Gaston’s BEST Team:
Gaston County Business and Employer Services Team (BEST) is a group of partners who are dedicated to providing local businesses an edge in today’s global economy. Our goal is to provide our employers with information on how to access money for training, financial incentives, human resources services, recruitment assistance, no cost advertising, and community partnerships.
Follow this link to view our catalog: Gaston’s BEST Digital Catalog
Team Members:
- Chelsea Hawley Valentine, Business Services Representative, Gaston Co Workforce Development Board | chelsea.valentine@gastongov.com | 704.862.7971
- Claudette Argabrite, Employment Services Manager, Division of Workforce Solutions | claudette.argabrite@commerce.nc.gov | 704.853.5328
- Emily Hansley, Director of Customized Training Economic Workforce Development, Gaston College | Hansley.Emily@gaston.edu | 704.748.5259
- Brett Buchanan, CTE Director, Gaston County Schools | bcbuchanan@gaston.k12.nc.us | 704.861.2496
- Joy Morrow, Director of Apprenticeship and Work-Based, Gaston College | morrow.joy@gaston.edu | 704.922.6251
- Greg Smith, Vice President of Economic Workforce Development, Gaston College | smith.greg@gaston.edu | 704.922.6266
- Richard Randall, Existing Industry Manager, Economic Development Commission | richard.randall@gastongov.com | 704.825.2233
- Candis Kallay, Career Center Manager, NCWorks Career Center- Gaston | candis.kally@ncworks.gov | 704.853.5328 ext. 227
- Brian Hickman, VP of Talent, Gaston Business Association | vincent@gastonbusiness.com | 704.864.2621
- Felicia Williams, Director of Small Business Center, Gaston College |williams.felicia@gaston.edu | 704-922-6449
Updated 11.3.2023