Request for Proposals Package– Adult & Dislocated Workers


WIOA Proposal Budget Worksheet

Gaston County

Workforce Development Program

Request for Proposals



Program Year 2021

(July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022)

with option to extend



Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Adult & Dislocated Worker Services


Notice of Request for Proposals announcement:

Thursday April 22, 2021


RFP Package Release Date:

Friday April 23, 2021



May 14, 2021 12:00 Noon (Eastern Standard Time)


THE GASTON COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM is an equal opportunity Employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Table of Contents

Timeframes and Resource Materials                                                                 3


Section I:  General Information

  1. Request for Proposals (RFP) Overview 3
  2. Estimated Allocations 4
  3. Eligible Organizations             5


Section II: Background Information

  1. Gaston County Workforce Development Board Overview 5
  2. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) Overview 6
  3. WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Design Elements 6
  4. One-Stop System (Career Center System) Overview                                     8
  5. Adult/Dislocated Worker Title I Contractor Role 13
  6. Performance and Case Management Tracking 14
  7. Key Measures and Reporting 15


Section III:  Solicitation Process and Terms

  1. RFP Inquiries, Questions, Answers, and Deadline for Questions 15
  2. Pre-Proposal Conference – Mandatory 16
  3. Proposal Evaluation Process                                                             16
  4. Proposal Evaluation Criteria 17


Section IV:  Provisions, Disclaimers and County’s Rights                                19-21


Section V:  RFP Response Instructions

  1. Submission Requirements 22
  2. General Preparation Instructions 23


Section VI:  Response Package                                                                            25











Action Item Date
RFP Announcement – Advertisement Period Thursday, April 22, 2021  thru  Friday , May 14th, 2021 NOON

Posted to:

Gaston County WDB Website:

Gaston County WDB Facebook Page:

Gaston Workforce Development Board

Gaston County WDB Instagram Page:


Gaston County Twitter Handle:


RFP Release Date Friday, April 23, 2021 at:

Proposer Conference (Orientation)

  • Gathering Supporting Data
  • Creating SMART Goals
  • Setting Benchmarks for Performance Evaluation and monthly Reporting
  • Creating Partnerships & MOUs
  • Leveraging Funds
  • Creating a Budget
  • The Evaluation Process
Friday,April 30, 2021 @ 11:00
Due Date for Proposals Friday, May 14th – NOON
Award Announcement* Monday, May 24th , 2021
Program start date* Thursday, JUly 1st 2021


* Dates are approximate and subject to change.

Resource materials relating to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult and Dislocated Workers programs which may aid in preparing proposals are available on the internet at the following sites:


Section i:  General Information


  1. Request for Proposals (RFP) Overview

The Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services and the Gaston County Workforce Development Programs are requesting proposals from organizations interested in providing elements of program services for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and/or Dislocated Worker Program.  Programs must be dedicated to improving the quality of the current and emerging workforce by ensuring eligible participants support in job search and placement assistance, skills assessment, work experience and On-the-Job Training opportunities, education and training competencies that will enable them to secure employment, increase earning potential or create sustainable self-employment all within targeted career sectors.


Programs are intended to be a component of a network of Department of Commerce, Department of Labor, Workforce Development, Community Colleges, local businesses, and community organizations working together to provide solutions to a labor and employment market in Gaston County.  Program providers are responsible for identifying the needs of their community, its resources and challenges and creating a program that meets the needs, minimizes the barriers and provides employment opportunities for eligible members of its community.  Service Provider must ensure that all contract staff has a working knowledge of WIA/WIOA.


Awards will be competitive, based on the quality of the program design, its expected outcomes, cost per participant, the leveraging of funds, collaborative partners, and an understanding of the target population.  Specific criteria included within the RFP instructions will be used to evaluate all submitted proposals.


This RFP is for a one-year period, July 1st, 2021-June 30th, 2022 with an option to extend 1 year at a time for an additional two (2) years .   Contracts will be performance-based with funding linked to defined performance outcomes, including WIOA measures, and depend on future funding availability, contractors’ satisfactory performance, achieving benchmarks & contract goals, and

other items as applicable.  The awarded contractor is required to serve those participants already enrolled in the WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker (including National Disaster Dislocated Worker Grant, known as DR-DWG) programs as of June 30, 2021  These Adults & Dislocated Workers will be assigned accordingly by Gaston County Workforce Development staff based on contract negotiations.  Gaston County reserves the option to modify contracts on a year-to-year basis. Profit (if applicable) will be re-negotiated each year and Reasonableness of Cost re-evaluated prior to an amendment being completed for any contract extensions.



  1. Estimated Allocations

For purposes of this RFP, Gaston County is unable to project a total allocation for the contract period at this time.  It is anticipated that the projected amount will be known on or about the time of the final negotiations for contracts. It is anticipated that a contract maximum for the Gaston County WDB Adult & Dislocated Worker Program could  be approximately $722,425 and up to $209,052 DR-DWG (NDWG) (or the remainder of the initial NCWG application approval amount on the start date of the contract – whichever is lesser) for FY 2021-2022 (July 1st 2021 through June 30, 2022) based on recent prior program years.

However, maximum contractor (proposer) funding is finalized, and actual  contract budgets negotiated, after the confirmation of funding allocations is received by the GCWDB from the NC Department of Commerce – Division of Workforce Solutions for the applicable program year period. Funding is also additionally contingent upon approval of appropriations and the FY2021-2022 County Budget by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.


  1. Eligible Organizations

Organizations eligible to submit proposals for this RFP include:

  • Public
  • private for-profit businesses;
  • private not-for-profit organizations (including faith and community-based organizations)
  • labor groups
  • governmental entities (including the public school system, community colleges, local government and other public sector organizations);


Any not-for-profit entity MUST have been incorporated for at least two years (as evidenced by a letter from the appropriate governing body certifying incorporation)  AND be designated as a 501 c-3 tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service.  Any for-profit entity must have been incorporated at least two (2) years, and applicants must provide an Original Certificate of Insurance by the time of the award announcement.


Agencies submitting proposals must have the ability to receive, disburse, and account for funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices (as deemed acceptable by Gaston County); are licensed or otherwise authorized to do business in the state of North Carolina; demonstrate the ability to provide program services as specified in the RFP; are not debarred or suspended for participation in state or county contracts, fidelity bonded; and demonstrate the ability to comply with WIOA regulations.


Section II:  Background Information


  1. Gaston County Workforce Development Board Overview

The Gaston County Workforce Development Board (GCWDB) is an employer driven committee whose members are appointed by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.  As one of 23 Workforce Development Boards in North Carolina, the Gaston County WDB works to identify current and future employer needs by addressing the full workforce development continuum, including pipeline development, recruitment, advancement, and retention and is steadfast in its commitment to leveraging resources and engaging partners committed to developing and strengthening our area’s workforce talent.  Originally established by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, the Gaston County WDB operates under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act which became policy in July 2015.  The GCWDB continues to function under the federal mandate to be the lead organization for workforce development planning and to arrange for a system of service delivery that meets the workforce needs of business and the public alike.


Each year, workforce investment area receive a designated allotment of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act formula funds, distributed among eligible youth, adults, dislocated workers and training services.  Gaston County Government serves as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act fiscal agent for the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  This RFP will distribute the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker funds; a separate RFP has been issued for WIOA Youth funds.



  1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Key Optional, Governing Principles and Overview


The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act was signed into law on July 22, 2014 and replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, retains and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  Final regulations

were issued on or by July 1, 2015.  Current WIOA operating guidelines can be found at  Grantees must comply with current guidelines for WIOA, state and local administrative entities’ instructions, agency policies, and other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.


WIOA provides the framework for a national workforce preparation system that is flexible, responsive, employer-driven, customer-focused, and locally managed.  The Act integrates workforce development programs into a workforce investment system designed to better respond to the employment needs of its customers – employers, current workers, unemployed workers, workers laid-off due to restructuring or downsizing, and new entrants to the labor force.  Highlights of WIOA reform include:


  • Strategic Alignment of Workforce Development Programs: aligning employment and training services with in-demand sectors, providing job seekers with credentials and skills that meet employer needs.
  • Accountability and Transparency: requiring evidence based and data-driven outcomes for federally funded workforce programs.
  • Regional Collaboration: aligning Workforce Development programs with economic development strategies.
  • Improvements to the American Job Center System (referred to in North Carolina as NCWorks Career Centers): increasing quality and accessibility of services for job seekers and employers. NCWorks Centers operate via an Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) model incorporating a “no wrong door” approach to service.
  • Improvements to Employer Services and Work-Based Training: including Incumbent Worker Training, On-The-Job Training, Apprenticeships and customized training.
  • Improving Access to Higher Quality training
  • Improving Access to Services for the Unemployed and other Job Seekers
  • Improving Services to Individuals with Disabilities
  • Improving Services for Disconnected Youth and Other Vulnerable Populations
  • Improving Outcomes and Quality of Job Corps Services
  • Increasing Registered Apprenticeship Programs
  • Streamlining and Strengthening roles of Workforce Development Boards



  1. WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Design Elements

A successful program will include the following program design elements:

  1. Focus on accountability for outcomes, especially job placements that lead to self-sufficiency for jobseekers either through the initial placement, through an established career pathway, or through self-employment.
  2. Focus on building a workforce development system that leverages the multiple organizations and funding streams that exist, both through partnerships and through tracking/reporting of outcomes.
  3. Focus on target jobseeker populations- Proactively recruiting and providing creative outreach efforts with community partners to assist these targeted groups in obtaining employment with a path to self-sufficiency that eliminates reliance on public support.
    • Low income single parents
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Low income 18 – 24 year olds
    • Young adults that have aged out of the foster care system
    • Veterans
    • TANF participants
    • Working poor
    • Unemployment Insurance Exhaustees
    • Ex-offenders
    • Immigrants/Refugees
    • Aging Workers
    • Other populations that may be identified through collaboration and partnership with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.


  1. Provide a personalized and customized service approach -Gaston County considers employers to be principal customers within each program and a pivotal partner to a well-functioning workforce development system. Under the oversight of Gaston County Workforce Development program staff, Adult and Dislocated Worker Service providers are required to participate in customized and innovative business service activities as deemed appropriate by the WDB Director or his/her designee.  These staff coordinated activities may include:
    • Services to meet employer needs
    • Applicant pre-interview
    • Assessment and testing of potential candidates
    • Sites for the interviewing process
    • Business-specific job fairs, Rapid Response, and Career Expos
    • Outreach and marketing services to small businesses and entrepreneurs
      • Skill assessments
      • Identifying potential candidates for open positions


      1. Optimize training resources- Gaston County Workforce Development staff periodically convene education and job training partners through its NCWorks Career Centers to jointly assess and fill gaps in the system and to align the resources of all partners to ensure that the maximum number of people successfully enter and complete training in high-demand and county specific occupations. Collaboration between NCWorks Career Centers and key service stakeholders will allow for integration of services and funding optimizing resources.


      1. Partner with Gaston County Workforce Development Program- Gaston County expects to partner with its contractors to: ensure consistent service delivery; align employer outreach and services; and establish realistic and effective policies. Partners are expected to: engage in activities that support Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s (GCWDP) overall strategic plan; work with organizations funded through collaborative agreements with the GCWDP; report monthly to GCWDB staff on program benchmarks; and work with the GCWDP to identify and apply for funding opportunities as appropriate.


      1. Provide leadership that exemplifies partnership, flexibility, creativity, and innovation- Gaston County seeks organizations that will go beyond minimum contractual obligations and demonstrate leadership, creativity, flexibility, and skillful communication to offer effective and efficient service delivery.


      1. Meet and exceed local WIOA performance levels- All service components must be aligned with federal, state, and local performance requirements. Targets for measures are redefined annually by the federal and state government and by the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  Contractors will be held accountable for achieving all measures and targets.


      1. One-Stop System (NCWorks Career Center System) Overview


      The cornerstone of Title I of WIOA is a one-stop service delivery system that meets the needs of dual customers:  the jobseeker and the employer.  The NCWorks Career Center system includes a collaboration of entities responsible for providing services to ensure seamless delivery to jobseekers and employers.  Historically in North Carolina, this one-stop system has been referred to as the “JobLink Career Center System”. However, with new focus on rebranding and enhanced service provisions, North Carolina’s Job Centers are now referred to as NCWorks Career Centers.  In coordination with the NC Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) Gaston County has achieved certification of the Primary Career Center currently referred to as NCWorks Career Center Gaston.


      The Gaston County NCWorks Career Center is located: at 1391 Bessemer City Road in Gastonia, NC.  This Center operates under the Integrated Service Delivery Model (ISD) and therefore will require any contractor to adhere to the “no wrong door” implementation of services.


      Gaston County Workforce Development also has additional Career Center Services sites that are not currently designated as NCWorks Career Centers.


      DHHS Career Resource Center                          Gaston County Public Library

      Human Services Bldg                                           Satellite Location – 2nd Floor

      330 N. Marietta St.                                              1555 E Garrison Blvd

      Gastonia, NC  28052                                           Gastonia, NC 28054


      The One-Stop Career Center offers an integrated delivery system to youth, adults and dislocated workers.  Gaston County is looking for innovative ways of service delivery that demonstrates flexibility, creativity and is performance driven and evaluated.  Customers of the Career Center system should have a seamless experience from initial assessment to job search assistance to employment.  The Career Center/Integrated Service Delivery staff should be knowledgeable about all available workforce development opportunities in the area, not only those that are offered through partner funding streams.


      WIOA does mandate a service flow between Core, Intensive and Training services for consumers.    However, there is discretion on how these services are delivered at the local level.  The successful contractor will be able to creatively and effectively manage the customer flow and provide a successful customer experience.


      Staff contracted through this RFP will be housed at the NCWorks Career Center Gaston or at an offsite Career Center location as determined by the Workforce Development Program Director.  All contracted staff must adhere to Career Center work hours, Career Center guidelines including dress code, ethical practices, conflicts of interest, and Local Area policies.


      Core Services

      Core Services (WIOA OF 2014) shall be made available to adults, out-of-school youth, and disloccated workers in each Gaston County Career Center.  The decision on which core services to provide and the timing of their delivery (mix and sequence) may be made on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the individual.


      Core Services that are self-service and informational include:

      • Determination of eligibility to receive assistance
      • Outreach, intake (which may include worker profiling), and orientation to the information and other services available through the Career Center
      • Initial assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and supportive service needs
      • Job search and placement assistance, and where appropriate, career counseling
      • Provision of employment statistics information, including the provision of accurate information relating to local, regional, and national labor market areas including job vacancy listings in such labor market areas, information on job skills necessary to obtain the jobs, and information relating to local occupations in demand and the earnings and skill requirements for such occupations
      • Provisions of performance information and program cost information on eligible providers of training services provided by programs and eligible providers of youth activities, providers of adult education, providers of post-secondary vocational education activities and vocational education activities available to school dropouts under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act and providers of vocational rehabilitation program activities described in Title I of the Rehabilitation Act
      • Provisions of information regarding how the local area is performing on the local performance measures and any additional performance information with respect to the Career Center delivery system in the local area
      • Provision of accurate information relating to the availability of supportive services, including child care and transportation, available in the local area and referral to such services as appropriate
      • Provision of information regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation
      • Assistance in establishing eligibility for programs of financial aid assistance for training and education programs that are not funded under the Workforce Investment Act and are available in the local area and
      • Follow-up services including counseling regarding the workplace for participants enrolled in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I activities who are placed in subsidized employment for not less than 12 months after the first day of employment as appropriate




      Intensive Services

      (WIOA OF 2014) are intended to identify obstacles to employment in order to determine specific services needed. Intensive services may be provided to WIOA eligible adults and dislocated workers who are unemployed and unable to obtain employment through core services.  Services may also be made available to adults and dislocated workers who are employed, but who are determined to be in need of intensive services to obtain or retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency.  Intensive services are provided through the Career Center by Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) staff and may include referrals to public, private for profit and private non-profit services providers as appropriate.


      Intensive Services include the following:

      • Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skill levels and service needs of adults and dislocated workers, which may include diagnostic testing and use of other assessment tools and in depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals
      • Development of an individual employment plan to identify the employment goals, appropriate achievement objectives, and appropriate combination of services for the participant to achieve the employment goals
      • Group counseling
      • Individual counseling and career planning
      • Case management for participants seeking training services
      • Short-term prevocational services including development of learning skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, punctuality, personal maintenance skills, and professional conduct to prepare individuals for unsubsidized employment or training


      Per WIOA of 2014, this list of intensive services is not all inclusive and other services such as literacy training, out-of-area job search assistance, and relocation assistance may be provided based on needs of the individual job-seeker.


      Training Services

      (WIOA of 2014) are defined as services designed to equip individuals to enter the workplace and retain employment.  Training Services may be provided to WIOA eligible adults and dislocated workers who:

      have met the eligibility requirements and received at least one intensive service and are

      • still unable to retain employment through such services
      • after an interview, evaluation, or assessment, and case management, have the need of training services and have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the selected program of training services
      • selected programs of training services that are directly linked to the employment opportunities in the local area involved or in another area in which the adults or dislocated workers receiving such services are willing to relocate
      • meet the qualification requirements, and
      • are determined to be eligible in accordance with the priority system


      Qualification requirements include:

      • Individuals must be determined through interview, evaluation, or assessment and case management to be in need of training services and have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the selected program of training. Services shall be limited to individuals who are unable to obtain other grant assistance for such services, including Federal Pell Grants or require assistance beyond the assistance made available under other grant assistance programs, including Federal Pell Grants
      • Training services may be provided to an individual who meets the qualifications while an application for a Federal Pell Grant is pending, except that if the individual is awarded a Federal Pell Grant, appropriate reimbursement shall be made to the local area from the Federal Pell Grant


      Through the NCWorks system, the list of eligible training providers is available to all individuals receiving training services with a description of the programs through which the providers may offer the training services and the information identifying eligible providers of on-the-job training and customized training.  The performance information and performance cost information relating to eligible providers of training services will also be made available to all individuals receiving training services.


      Training services may include:

      • Occupational skills training, including training for nontraditional employment, provided through pre-approved training agencies for adults and dislocated workers
      • On-the-job training
      • Programs that combine workplace training with related instructions, which may include cooperative education programs
      • Skill upgrading and retaining
      • Entrepreneurial training
      • Job readiness training
      • Adult education and literacy activities provided in combination with the services described above, and
      • Customized training conducted with the commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ the individual upon successful completion of the training


      Training services are provided in a manner that maximizes consumer choice in the selection of an eligible service provider.  Training is provided to eligible adults and dislocated workers through the use of Individual Training Accounts (ITAs), through which a participant chooses among qualified training providers with the exception of on-the-job training, customized training, or when the Workforce Development Program determines there are an insufficient number of eligible providers of training services in the local area to accomplish the purposes of a system of individual training accounts, or determines that there is a training services program of demonstrated effectiveness offered in the local area by a community-based organization or another private organization to serve special participant populations that face multiple barriers to employment.


      Training services are directly linked to occupations that are in demand in the local area or in another area to which an adult or dislocated worker receiving such serves is willing to relocate.  The approved occupations training list for Gaston County is included on pages 39 and 40.  The Gaston County Workforce Development Program approves training services for occupations determined by the local board to be in sectors of the economy that have a high potential for sustained demand or growth in the local area.


      Employment Services

      The Gaston County Workforce Development Program believes that the cornerstone of workforce development begins with employers who offer jobs in our community and our region.  In addition to employer services offered through the Integrated Service Delivery System at each Career Center site, the contractor will be required to work with Gaston County Workforce Development staff to offer creative and innovative employment strategies.  The successful contractor must be able to demonstrate successful outreach strategies, business relationships, job placement rates, and retention rates.  Contracted staff is expected to work with the Gaston County Business Services Representative to identify and refer participants for On-the-Job Training programs, Apprenticeships and other work experience activities supported through WIOA.

      All Career Center sites shall offer a broad range of integrated services that are provided to employers to support economic and workforce development efforts.  Employer services can include:  (See NCWorks Career Center Flow Chart on appropriate delivery of services)

      • Interview facilities at the site
      • Information on career preparation activities
      • State and/or federally generated information on tax credits for new hires
      • Access to information and services through the Career Centers
      • Identifying potential candidates for open job positions
      • Non-traditional hours for identified workforce needs.


      Additional, higher level services to employers and businesses shall also be provided by the NCWorks Career Center.  These services can include:

      • Directing employers to the NCWorks system, which allows them to post job orders independent of staff assistance or with staff assistance if requested.
      • Staff-assisted employee pre-screening
      • Basic job matching of résumés and applications
      • Preliminary basic skills and other assessments





      1. Adult/Dislocated Worker Title I Contractor Role

      The Adult/Dislocated Worker staff function must support the guiding principles described above and achieve at least the minimum work components outlined below. First and foremost, the contractor will function as a fully integrated partner in the Career Center system without regard to the organizational mission of the selected contractor.  The chosen contractor from this RFP will work closely with Career Center partners (the community-based organizations that partner with the Career Center to provide supportive services) for service delivery.


      The contractor will also be expected to work closely with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to ensure geographic and population-based coverage of services.  The GCWDP also expects the successful contractor to ensure successful tracking and outcomes of individuals through the Career Center offices and any other contracted organization.


      Minimum Work Components

      It is expected that the successful contractor will work in the Career Center system to achieve the following:

      • Deliver a high-quality, consistent set of services to jobseekers and employer customers
      • Ensure a mix of services that allows the system to serve a diverse customer base
      • Coordinate services and funding to support customer access to and success in postsecondary education
      • Support customers progress toward economic self-sufficiency
      • Promote industry sector and employer-driven strategies
      • Maintain and consistently improve the integration of services and service providers within Career Center
      • Ensure high levels of accountability, cost efficiency, and innovation to maximize resources and customer satisfaction
      • Focus on special populations and jobseeker needs, as identified, in collaboration with Gaston County Workforce Development staff
      • Adopt the Integrated Service Delivery model, for the Career Center, approved by the NC Department of Commerce and the Division of Workforce Solutions


      The contractor along with the Career Center personnel is responsible for implementing and managing WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs under the policies and guidelines established by the Gaston County Workforce Development Program, the State of North Carolina, and the federal government.  Under this component, the contractor is responsible for coordinating with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to ensure that system-wide standards are achieved, utilizing continuous quality improvement tools and integrating their usage in a timely manner.


      The contractor will ensure that up to twenty five percent (25%) of the time and work schedule of WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker staff will be devoted to: providing WIOA training related services to customers; activities related to WIOA performance; case management; and marketing of WIOA services to employers and job seekers.  The remaining seventy five percent (75%) of the time and work schedule of Adult and Dislocated Worker staff will be devoted to Career Center activities including (but not limited to) WIOA Core & Intensive activities, recruitment sessions, WIOA Career Center performance measures, customer service related activities, etc.


      F.  Performance and Case Management Tracking NCWorks™ is the system that will be used for client tracking.  All successful contractors will be required to use NCWorks™ to record and track all client activities and program services.  Reports generated from NCWorks™ will be utilized to determine program performance by the service provider, Gaston County Workforce Development Programs, NC Department of Commerce/Division of Workforce Solutions, and NC Department of Labor.  Therefore, knowledge of the

      system, accuracy, and timely entry of information is critical.  System training will be facilitated by Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff but it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure on-going staff expertise and cooperation. Below are the most recent Negotiated Performance Measures for Gaston County WIOA programs.   For PY 20 and PY 21, contractors will be held to the Negotiated Performance Measures.


      (State ) Negotiated Performance Rate Table – Gaston County WDB PY2020-2021





                                         Title I – Programs
      Adult Dislocated Worker Youth
      PY 2020 PY 2021 PY 2020 PY 2021 PY 2020 PY 2021
      Employment (Second Quarter after Exit) 82.0% 83.0% 79.0% 80.0% 66.0% 66.5%
      Employment (Fourth Quarter after Exit) 79.0% 79.5% 80.0% 79.0% 65.0% 66.0%
      Median Earnings (Second Quarter after Exit) $5,800 $6,100 $6,700 $6,900 $3,500 $3,650
      Credential Attainment Rate 60.0% 60.0% 65.0% 65.6% 52.3% 53.0%
      Measurable Skill Gains 65.0% 67.5% 55.0% 56.5% 44.5% 47.0%


      Title III – Program
      PY 2020 PY 2021
      Employment (Second Quarter after Exit) 74.5% 75.2%
      Employment (Fourth Quarter after Exit) 75.0% 75.7%
      Median Earnings (Second Quarter after Exit) $5,500 $5,550



      In addition, contractors will be asked to provide additional documentation or information not accessible through NCWorks™ to evaluate performance outcomes, as well as program strengths and weaknesses.  Each contractor needs to display how they will track and manage outcomes.



      1. Key Measures and Reporting

      Contractors are expected to set Key Measures of their performance for (at least) quarterly review and evaluation.  Key Measures are used to assure the program is operating up to the standards set in the proposal as well as to the standards of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  At each review, contractors will have the opportunity to present their progress on their Key Measures for review.  Additionally, contractors are asked to provide a standard report that allows monthly tracking and reporting of expenditures, customer recruitment, and services rendered as proposed in contractor’s response to this RFP.


      Section iii:  Solicitation Process and Terms


      1. RFP Inquiries, Questions, Answers, and Deadline for Questions

      Initial communication, between the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and potential contractors who have intention to bid, will take place when the Potential Proposers contact Gaston Co WDB Staff to request the virtual meeting link and password for the Proposer’s Conference After the Proposer’s Conference, questions will be submitted in writing via email.  The associated answers will be posted to the Gaston Co WDB website at  Questions and answers will continue to be updated at least through Friday, May 7th 2021.  All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Angela Karchmer at (cc: Sally Heglar at It is the proposer’s responsibility to check the website for questions and answer updates related to this Request For Proposals prior to submitting their final proposal.  Additionally, it is the proposer’s responsibility to check their email frequently to stay connected and apprised throughout the process.  Questions will not be answered over the phone or in person.  Only questions submitted via email by 5pm on Monday, May 7th 2021 are guaranteed a response.

      1. Pre-Proposal Conference

      The Gaston County Workforce Development Proposer Conference will be held on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 11:00 am.  The conference will be held virtually via web-based meeting link.  This is the forum Gaston County Government has selected to present its detailed information on the RFP and allow for potential questions. Those interested in attending should contact Apryl Smith via email at  with:  your contact name, associated company or agency’s name (if applicable), email address, mailing address, and phone number- along with your request for the virtual meeting  link & password prior to NOON on Thursday April 29th, 2021 to receive this information and be added to the potential proposers’ “Intention to Bid” list. The meeting link will open at 10:45 am to allow authorized attendees to be signed in & answer virtual roll call at 11:00 am.

      Interested parties are encouraged to attend to receive RFP instructions, ask questions and gain information on how to complete and submit the application, should they choose to submit a proposal

      posal.  A brief amount of time will also be set-aside during the conference for questions to be submitted.  Every effort will be made at the Pre-Proposal Conference to answer questions submitted that day; however, all questions will be answered and posted to the website

      1. Proposal Evaluation Process

      Phase I:

      Gaston County Workforce Development staff will initially evaluate each proposal for acceptability, with emphasis placed on completeness and responsiveness to requisite program criteria.  The following minimum criteria will be used to determine which proposals will continue on to Phase II:

      • All required services for the program for which they are proposing are addressed;
      • All requested information and documentation is included in the application package and;
      • The proposal is submitted in accordance with the RFP.


      Phase II:

      Proposals that have met the minimum criteria, as stated above, will then be reviewed and ranked by Gaston Workforce Development staff.  Proposals will be ranked based on evaluation criteria outlined in the next section.  These rankings will be used as a guide for discussion and determination of recommendations.  Note: The Gaston County Workforce Development staff retains the right to request additional information from any applicant, request oral presentations from applicants, or conduct site visits from any applicant before a contract award.  If no response adequately addresses the services and outcomes requested, the committee may recommend that no award be made.


      Phase III:

      The recommendations of the Gaston County Workforce Development staff, if any, will be presented to the Gaston WDB, the Department of Health and Human Services Board and the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.  All contract awards will be considered provisional pending receipt of any additional documentation regarding administrative qualifications, and other areas of concern, the successful completion of contract negotiations, and the availability of funds.


      1. Proposal Evaluation Criteria

      The Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff will evaluate each submitted proposal based on the following:


      1. Cover Page Pass/Fail
      2. Proposal Checklist Pass/Fail
      3. Proposal Summary Pass/Fail
      4. Baseline Requirements Pass/Fail
      5. Organizational Experience and Past Performance 25 Points
      6. Relationships and Collaboration 30 Points
      7. Program Design and Staffing 35 Points
      8. Program Cost and Planned Performance 50 Points
      9. Transition Plan 10 Points
      10. Statement of Compliance Form Pass/Fail
      11. One copy of each of the last two years’ audited Pass/Fail

      Financial statements

      1. One copy of your business license (if applicable) or Pass/Fail

      a letter evidencing incorporation per Section I., C.

      and verification of your 501 C-3 status.


      The maximum number of points available is 150 points.  Sections 1-4 and 10-12 will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.  Points will be awarded for responses to Sections 5-9.  These sections ask the proposer what they will do, how they will do it, how much it will cost, and how qualified they are to successfully carry out their proposal.  All sections are required to be completed.  Refusal to complete all of the sections successfully will eliminate the proposer from consideration.

      Scored Sections


      Organizational Experience and Past Performance                                                   25 points

      This category will evaluate past experience in providing services similar to those being proposed, including the ability to deliver as proposed, attain, track, and report performance.  Evaluation of the performance and management capability of the proposing agency(s) will include:


      1. Compatibility between proposing agency’s mission and the Gaston Workforce Development Program’s work
      2. Administrative experience and capacity
      3. Experience with former WIA services, federal regulations, and performance measures
      4. Success in meeting and exceeding performance measures
      5. Experience in implementing innovative systems
      6. Experience in providing employer services

      Relationship and Collaboration                                                                                 30 points

      This category will evaluate how well the contractor has planned to work together with the mandated NCWorks Career Center partners, community colleges, training providers, community organizations and other service providers to leverage funds and integrate services and staff functions.  Evaluation of this section will include:


      1. Evidence of credible and realistic partnerships
      2. Relationships with community organizations that serve target populations
      3. Collaboration with WIOA Youth service providers to triage and seamlessly serve 18-24 year olds
      4. Ability to apply for and receive other funds



      Program Design and staffing                                                                                                 35 points

      This category will evaluate the adequacy, creativity, and plausibility of program design, services, and processes, including evaluation of:


      1. Program goals and relationship to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s work
      2. Efforts at reaching and serving targeted populations
      3. Demonstrated understanding of employer needs
      4. Experience in managing change/transition/innovation
      5. How the contractor will assist and support participants in moving towards self-sufficiency
      6. How the contractor will ensure job placement, retention, and self-sufficient wages for jobseekers
      7. How the contractor will develop and implement a personalized and customized service approach for job seekers
      8. A concrete and detailed plan to recruit participants for training in high-demand occupations
      9. System integration efforts
      10. Leadership, creativity, flexibility, and innovation


      Program Cost and Planned Performance                                                                             50 points

      This category will evaluate the cost and performance numbers of the proposed program and the degree to which expenditure of funds relates to performance outcomes.  Budgets and performance numbers will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness.  Additionally, all proposals will be reviewed for costs and performance numbers that are reasonable, plausible, fully justified, and competitive as measured by the review of line item budget, the program design, cost per participant, and comparison to all other proposals.  Note:  The budget that is proposed will not necessarily be the amount funded.



      Transition Plan                                                                                                                         10 points

      This category will assess the ability to make a timely and smooth transition that will minimize any disruption in services to jobseekers and employers.  The plan should also include timeliness and cost-efficient transition activities.



      Section iv:  Provisions, Disclaimers and County’s Rights


      1. All solicitations are contingent upon availability of funds.
      2. This RFP is for a one year contract and will be renewable at the discretion of the board for up to three additional years without the requirement to submit subsequent proposals.
      3. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received.
      4. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to waive informalities and minor irregularities in the proposals received.
      5. This RFP does not commit the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to award a contract.
      6. This RFP is for WIOA services and other related programs and funding streams which may become available to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program during this funding period.
      7. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may accept any item or group of items of any proposal, unless the proposal qualified its offer by specific limitations, may select multiple contractors to provide services under the same funding stream or select a single contractor to provide services under multiple funding streams.
      8. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may select a service provider based on its initial proposal received, without discussion of the proposal. Accordingly, each proposal should be submitted on the most favorable terms from a price and technical standpoint that the contractor can submit to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.
      9. Proposals should follow the format set forth in the RFP Response Package section of the RFP and adhere to the minimum requirements specified therein.
      10. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program retains the right to request additional information from any proposer, request oral presentations from proposers, or conduct site visits from any proposer, or conduct investigations relative to evaluation criteria before a contract award.
      11. No costs will be paid to cover the expense of preparing a proposal or procuring a contract for services or supplies under WIOA.
      12. All data, material, and documentation originated and prepared by the contractor pursuant to the contract shall belong exclusively to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, Right to Know Law, or other applicable legislation.
      13. The final award and execution of a contract is subject to receipt of WIOA funds, the Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s satisfactory negotiation of the terms of the contract, and the continued availability of funds.
      14. Any changes to the WIOA program, performance measures, funding level, or Gaston County Workforce Development Program direction may result in a change in contracting. In such instances, the Gaston County Workforce Development Program shall not be liable for any damage arising from this Request for Proposals package or subsequent contract.
      15. Proposals submitted for funding consideration must be consistent with, and if funded operated according to, the federal WIOA legislation, all applicable federal regulations, State of North Carolina policies, and Gaston County Government policies and procedures.
      16. Contractor selected for funding must also ensure compliance with the following, as applicable: US DOL regulations 20 CFR Part 652; 29 CFR Parts 96, 93, 37, 2, and 98; and 48CFR Part 31; Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, A-122, and A-133 OR 46 CFR part 31, whichever is applicable.
      17. Contractor will be expected to adhere to Gaston County Workforce Development Program procedures to collect, verify, and submit required data and submit monthly invoices to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program. Contractors will also be expected to report to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program regarding progress on benchmarks and expected outcomes; budgeted expenditures; customer services rendered and customer’s transition into sustainable employment.
      18. Additional funds received by the Gaston County Workforce Development Program may be contracted by expanding existing programs or by consideration of proposals not initially funded under this RFP. These decisions shall be made at the sole discretion of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.
      19. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may decide not to fund part or all of a proposal even though it is found to be in the competitive range if, in the opinion of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program, the services proposed are not needed, or the costs are higher than the Gaston County Workforce Development Program finds reasonable in relation to the overall funds available, or if past management concerns lead the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to believe that the contractor has undertaken more services than it can reasonably provide.
      20. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program has a right to fund a lower ranked proposal over a higher ranked proposal because of valid policy considerations, including but not limited to, organizational experience, geographical considerations, leveraging of outside resources, and target populations.
      21. Any proposal approved for funding is contingent on the results of a pre-award site visit that may be conducted by Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff. This site visit will establish, to Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s satisfaction, whether the contractor is capable of conducting and carrying out the provisions of the proposed contract.  If the results of the site visit indicate, in the opinion of Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff, that the contractor may not be able to fulfill contract expectations, Gaston County reserves the right not to enter into contract with the organization, regardless of Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff’s approval of the contractor’s proposal.
      22. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program is required to abide by all WIOA legislation and regulations. Therefore, Gaston County reserves the right to modify or alter the requirements and standards set forth in this RFP based on program requirements mandated by state or federal agencies.
      23. All contractors must ensure equal opportunity to all individuals. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any WIOA-funded program or activity because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or belief.
      24. All contractors must ensure access to individuals with disabilities pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
      25. Contractors must accept liability for all aspects of any WIOA program conducted under contract with the Gaston County Workforce Development Contractors will be liable for any disallowed costs or illegal expenditures of funds or program operations conducted.
      26. Reductions in the funding level of any contract resulting from this solicitation process may be considered during the contract period when a contractor fails to meet expenditure, participant, and/or outcome goals specified in the contract or when anticipated funding is not forthcoming from the federal or state governments.
      27. Contractors will allow local, state, and federal representatives access to all WIOA records, program materials, staff and participants. In addition, contractors are required to maintain all WIOA records, for at least three years. The three year period runs from the last day of the program year. (29 CFR Part 95).
        1. reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted. No program activity may begin prior to execution of a contractual agreement between the successful contractor and Gaston County.
        2. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to cancel an award immediately if new state or federal regulations or policy makes it necessary to change the program purpose or content substantially, or to prohibit such a program.
        3. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to determine both the number and the funding levels of contract finally awarded. Such determination will depend upon overall fund availability and other factors arising during the proposal review process.  Proposals submitted which are over the maximum amount of WIOA funds appropriated to Gaston County by the NC Department of Commerce for Program Year 2021-2022 or any subsequent years may be rejected or terminated.
        4. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to discuss or meet with one or more potential contractors to facilitate arriving at a contract that will be satisfactory to the County, including but not limited to financial terms.
        5. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to supplement, amend, substitute or otherwise modify this RFP, or cancel this RFP at any time.
        6. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to award all, none, or any part of the RFP Services that is determined by the County to be in the best interest of the County, to one or more of the potential contractors responding.


        Section V: RFP Response Instructions


        1. Submission Requirements


        All proposals must be received via email or dropped off in-person by 12 Noon (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, May 14, 2021. Proposals not received by this specified time will be automatically disqualified from competition—no exceptions. Gaston County is not responsible for lost or misdirected proposals. Note-Proposer is responsible for his/her method of delivery and to ensure the proposal is received by the specified recipient by the specified date/time.


        **See next page for additional instructions**

        Please email proposals (faxed proposals will not be accepted) to: (cc:




        If in-person drop off is necessary, please contact Apryl Smith at: to make prior arrangements to do so.


        Physical Address:

        330 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Way

        Gastonia, NC 28052



        If proposal is dropped off in-person:

        The submitted proposal package must include one original copy of the proposal in a sealed envelope marked “WIOA YOUTH Request for Proposals.”  Include all of the required forms, narrative answers and attachments that pertain to your proposal and (5) hard copies of the complete proposal with all attachments.


        If proposal is submitted via email:

        The submitted proposal package must still include one original copy of the proposal with (authenticated) digital signature(s) along with all required forms, narrative answers and attachments that pertain to your proposal.


        • Failure to do as instructed will disqualify your proposal from competition.
        • Proposals are limited to a total of 44 narrative pages.
        • Responses must follow the outline and use the forms provided in the Proposal Response Package
        • (Section VI) Additional forms are discouraged.
        • Proposals must use 12-point “Times New Roman” font, 1-inch margins, and double spacing.
        • Staple your proposal but do not bind it in any other way, or use dividers with tabs.
        • Letters of recommendation will not be accepted.
        • All proposals are to be submitted in accordance with the terms, conditions and procedures stated in the RFP.



        A submitted proposal may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date. A written request to withdraw the application must be submitted to the Gaston Workforce Development Program.  If a contractor does not withdraw a proposal by the due date, the proposal becomes the property of the Gaston Workforce Development Program and may be subject to public disclosure.

        1. General Preparation Instructions

        The RFP response is divided into components as indicated below.  Potential contractors may duplicate the forms as presented within this RFP packet or include the items on their own forms.  As noted previously, all sections are required to be completed.  Refusal or failure to complete all of the sections successfully will eliminate the proposer from consideration.



        Section Format
        1.       Cover Page Form


        2.      Proposal Checklist Form


        3.      Proposal Summary Narrative


        4.      Baseline Requirements Form


        5.      Organizational Experience and Past Performance Narrative


        6.      Relationship and Collaboration Narrative


        7.      Program Design and Staffing Narrative


        8.      Program Cost and Performance Form and Narrative


        9.      Planned Performance Numbers Form and Narrative


        10.  Transition Plan Narrative


        11.  Statement of Compliance Form Form



        The narrative section of the proposal should not exceed 44 pages. The instructions for each section are provided below.


        1. Cover Page

        The cover page is to be completed by the proposing organization or lead applicant if the proposal is from more than one organization. The proposal cover page must be completed, in full, and signed by an agency officer authorized to bind the agency to all commitments made in the proposal. Only one cover page is needed per proposal.


        1. Proposal Checklist

        Please complete this form by placing a check by each item included in your proposal. It is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all the required elements and forms are included in the proposal.


        1. Proposal Summary

        Please provide an executive summary of your proposal.


        1. Baseline Requirements

        Please complete this form to confirm your commitment to the stated program items.


        1. Organizational Experience and Past Performance

        Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.


        1. Relationships and Collaboration

        Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.


        1. Program Design and Staffing

        Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.


        1. Program Cost and Performance

        Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed. If you are for-profit agency please include profit amounts in a separate line item.


        1. Planned Performance Numbers

        Complete one form for adult services and a separate form for dislocated worker services.  Please use unduplicated numbers, i.e. participants enrolled in both Adult and Dislocated Worker programs will only count in one program. When projecting numbers for July 1, 2015 and beyond, use best guess projections and assume full program funding.


        1. Transition Plan

        Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.


        1. Statement of Compliance Form

        Please certify the statement of compliance through a signature by an agency officer authorized to bind the agency to all commitments made in the proposal.

      28. Section VI:  Response Package
        1. Proposal Cover Page


        Lead Agency Name:                                                                                                                                       


        Mailing Address:                                                                                                                                            


        Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________


        Contact Person:                                                                                                                                             


        Phone:                                       Fax:                                          Email:                                                           



        Applying As: q  Single Agency/Organization                        q Consortium of (#)                Partners


        Partner Agency Name(s):                                                                                                                             



        Indicate the appropriate services(s) proposed in this RFP and budget summary:





        Adult Services:                                                           $                                                          % of total


        Number of participants to be served:                       


        Cost per participant served:                        



        Dislocated worker services:                                      $                                                          % of total


        Number of participants to be served:                       


        Cost per participant served:                        

        Key Partners

        Please provide names of the partner organizations with which you will have contractual relationship for the provision of services.


        Community References

        Provide contact information on community references that can talk about your workforce development experience.  If your organization or partners in your proposal have not provided WIA Adult or Dislocated Worker services in the Gaston County Workforce Development Local Area previously, please include a list of names and community references experience that can talk about your experience working with WIA eligible customers.  Since PY 15-16 is the first year of WIOA programmatic requirements, previous experience with the WIA program will be considered.


        Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    


        Agency:                                                                                                           Email: __________________





        Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    


        Agency:                                                                                                           Email: __________________





        Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    


        Agency:                                                                                                           Email: __________________





        To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant, and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the contract is awarded.




        Typed Name of Authorized Representative                           Title of Authorized Representative




        Signature of Authorized Representative                    Telephone Number                             Date

        1. Proposal Checklist


        It is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all required elements and forms are included in the proposal.  Proposals that do not include the required elements and forms will be automatically disqualified.  No exceptions will be granted.  If you have questions about the requirements or feel that special circumstances apply to your proposal, please submit a question in writing to the Gaston Workforce Development Program to be answered by email.


        Before submitting your proposal, check the following:


        q  A.  One original Proposal Response Package and required documents received via email


        One original Proposal Response Package and required documents plus 5 hard copies




        Proposal Response Package Requirements


        • Proposal Cover Page
        • Proposal Checklist
        • Proposal Summary
        • Baseline Requirements
        • Organizational Experience and Past Performance
        • Relationships and Collaboration
        • Program Design and Staffing
        • Program Cost and Performance
        1. a) Budget Summary and Detail Form and Narrative
        2. b) Outcome measurements for success and improvement
          1. c) Planned Performance Forms and Narrative
          • Transition Plan
          • Statement of Compliance Form


          q   B.  One copy of each of the last two years’ audited financial statements


          q   C.  One copy of your business license (if applicable)


          q   D.  If a not-for-profit, letter evidencing incorporation per Section I., C. and verification of your 501 C-3 status.


          1. Proposal Summary


          Please provide an executive summary of your proposal. (Maximum 2 pages.)


          1. Baseline Requirements


          Successful contractors to this RFP must demonstrate a commitment to several program elements deemed by the Gaston Workforce Development Program to be required components of the Adult and Dislocated Worker program design.


          Please indicate your commitment below to implementing these elements into your program design:




          Yes                   No

          q        q



          Yes                   No

          q        q





          Yes                   No

          q        q


          Yes                   No

          q        q


          Yes                   No

          q        q










          With decreased funding and increased need, agree that the most money possible will be spent directly on participants without compromising the success and realistic costs associated with the system.




          Provision of services that will produce the following results, at a minimum:


          • A job placement rate of 85% for adults and 78% for dislocated workers.
          • A placement rate of 95% for adults and dislocated workers that participated in WIOA funded training.


          Agree that employers are key customers to the NCWorks Career Center system and assign resources and time to the development and implementation to a business development strategy.


          Collaborate with the NC Department of Labor and Industry on system changes.




          Partner with the Gaston Workforce Development Program in design and implementation of all programs.  Additionally, collaborate and connect with other the Gaston Workforce Development Program initiatives, including but not limited to:  industry partnerships, WIOA youth providers, NCWorks Career Centers and others.


          1. Organizational Experience and Past Performance – 25 Points

          (Maximum 10 pages)


          1. Describe your agency’s vision, mission, staffing and service expertise, services provided current customer base, funding sources, and funding stability. Describe how this proposal relates to your organization’s goals and to the Gaston County Workforce Development program’s work.


          1. Describe your organization’s and staff’s experience related to workforce development program design, delivery, program management, financial management (including use of acceptable accounting practices and controls), and capacity to carry out your proposed program design.


          1. Describe your organization’s experience in managing WIA-funded/government programs, including knowledge and experience with federal funding sources, regulations, and federal state, and local performance measures. Demonstrate and provide examples of how you were results-driven, flexible, innovative, and creative in the delivery of services.  Describe how you will continue to do this if you are the successful contractor.  Since this is the first year of WIOA implementation, prior experience with WIA programs will be considered.


          1. Describe your organization’s success in meeting and exceeding workforce performance measures. How many people annually have you served in a workforce program and how many of those received job placements?  Of those that received a job, have they stayed in that job?  For how long?


          1. Describe your organization’s experience serving diverse customers including economically disadvantages individuals with little or no work experience, the working poor, individuals with disabilities, and dislocated workers who may have experience, high skills and salaries. Include workforce performance measures for each population you serve.


          1. Describe your organizational experience in partnering with employers to meet their workforce development needs.
          1. Relationships and Collaboration – 30 Points

          (Maximum 10 pages)


          1. Please describe how you plan to collaborate with Local Area Workforce Development Board, Career Centers, and Career Center partners.


          1. Please describe the partnerships you plan to pursue to accomplish the program design elements outlined in this proposal. Please include relevant experience you may had have in building partnerships, possibly as a Title I contractor in other areas outside of the Gaston County Workforce Development local area.  Include the outcomes that were through your partnership(s).


          1. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program envisions a community workforce system that goes beyond the NCWorks Career Center Describe how your organization has partnered or how you plan to partner with community-based organizations to service providers, and other resources.  Include how these organizations will be connected to the larger system and program outcomes.  Discuss outreach strategies to reach target populations and other historically underserved populations and geographies.


          1. Describe specifically how your program will collaborate with the WIOA Youth program to seamlessly serve 18 – 24 year old youth and how to ascertain if a youth would be best served in the adult system instead of the youth system.


          1. Describe and demonstrate your organization’s capacity and ability to apply and receive non-governmental funds, including grant opportunities, corporate sponsorship, foundation funds, etc. Describe how you will work with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to ensure these funds are connected to the workforce development system.


          1. Describe how you will adhere to and support the NCWorks Career Center Integrated Service Delivery model.



          1. Program Design and Staffing – 35 points

          (Maximum 12 pages)


          1. Describe the experience a customer will have according to your plan of service, beginning at the time of entry into the NCWorks Career Center through post-employment service. Be as specific as possible in describing the flow, understanding that individual needs vary. Include:
          2. Proposed services that will be provided. Be specific when describing all the WIOA and integrated activities to be performed.
          3. A description of how you will ensure that customers are engaged in a continuum of activities that lead to obtaining and retaining employment

          iii. A description of your case management and follow-up activities in support of the proposed services

          1. A description of your services to special populations
          2. A description of when and how you will assess customers, including the specific tool(s) you plan to use


          1. Describe how you will create a positive customer experience for jobseekers. Describe how you will be become aware of and correct a poor customer experience for a jobseeker. Be as specific as possible and include examples if available.


          1. Describe how you will recruit qualified job seekers/customers and ensure placement after training. Also, be sure to address:
          2. How, and with what tools, you plan to assess customers’ skills and needs throughout the training and job placement process.
          3. How you plan to support customers during training and job search.

          iii. How you will optimize training resources.

          1. How you will link training to a job
          2. How you will determine the quality of training providers


          1. Describe how you will prioritize employers as customers. Address your marketing plan to engage employers and ensure a mix of large, medium, and small sized companies. Include what would constitute successful outcomes of your organization(s) with an employer and how they are measured and tracked. Describe your experience and outcomes offering these services as a Title I contractor in areas outside of Gaston County Workforce Development Program region. If you have never provided the proposed services, describe any comparable previous experience or any special or technical skills and resources that make you capable of successfully providing the services you are proposing.
          1. Describe how you will create a positive customer experience for an employer. Describe how you will become aware of and correct a poor customer experience for an employer. Be as specific as possible and include examples if available.


          1. Describe how you will engage in the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) efforts that are established in the NCWorks Career Centers. Services are organized by function rather than agency, program, or funding stream. Address how problem solving and communication (between contractors, Division of Workforce Solutions staff and other on-site partners) will occur. Include any experience your organization has as the Title I contractor in other workforce areas outside of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program local area. Describe how you have implemented the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) model with your staff and the staff of the Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) within the currently certified NCWorks Career Center, if applicable.


          1. Describe how you will support a positive image for the NCWorks Career Centers in Gaston County as part of the public workforce development system.



          STAFFING (Maximum 3 pages-Please note that these 3 pages contribute to the maximum 12 pages in Program Design and Staffing)



          1. Explain the composition of proposed staff. Include the number of staff that will initially be employed to provide direct jobseeker services such as case manager, job search, and job placement staff. Attach an organizational chart of the proposed structure that includes the job description of each position and the background skills you will require (sales, customer service, counseling, etc.).



          1. Describe the general duties of your supervisory and/or lead staff and your staff compensation plan. Be specific regarding compensation for each of the proposed level of staff (not individuals) and include information regarding performance-based pay increases, scheduled cost of living adjustments, etc.



          1. Describe how you will be flexible with staffing. Explain some of your innovative personnel policies and your ability to shift staff responsibilities and hours in order to respond to NCWorks Career Center demands under the Integrated Service Delivery system model.



          1. Program Cost and Performance – 50 points

          Please summarize your total budget for all areas for which you are proposing in Section 1.  Please complete a separate budget detail form for each area you are proposing to serve in Section 2.




          Section 8.a:  Budget Summary


          • Summarize total WIOA funds requested from Budget Detail Form
          • Summarize total in-kind or other leveraged funds in the NON-WIOA funds from Budget Detail Form State the sources and specific purpose of the funds in Budget Narrative.


          Budget Summary


          Gaston County Adult DW DR-DWG (NDWG) Total


          Non-WIOA (in-kind or other leveraged funds)




          TOTAL WIOA


          TOTAL Non-WIOA


          GRAND TOTAL




          Section 8.a – Budget Worksheet

          **Separate Excel Document to download from **

          Note – Document Name:  2021 Gaston WDB RFP – Sec 8.a Budget Worksheet

          • Other costs listed in the Budget Detail Form
          • Justification of the percent of total funds spent on participant expenses
          • Budget assumptions
          • Sources of leverages funds
          • Unique expenditures
          • In-kind resources
          • Other Budget information you would like the review committee to knowPlease complete (1) Budget Worksheet for each population Adult, Dislocated Worker/DR-DWG that you are proposing to serve. Each Budget Worksheet contains (4) individual excel spreadsheets, where specified data should be entered.  Follow instructions on each spreadsheet. 


            Section 8.a: Budget Detail Form


            Gaston County  
















            Total Number of Staff FTE














            Leveraged (or non-WIOA Funds)


            Personnel Expenses


            $ $ $ $ $
            Program Expenses


            $ $ $ $ $




            $ $ $ $
            Support Services


            $ $ $ $
            Core Services


            $ $ $ $
            Intensive Services


            $ $ $ $
            Total Participant Expenses


            $ $ $ $


            Other – please describe


            $ $ $ $
            Total Other


            $ $ $ $


            $ $ $ $


            Percent of total funds spent on participant expenses


            % % %



            Section 8.a: Budget Narrative


            Please complete one budget detail form for each program.


            This section should describe your:





















            8.b:  Planned Performance Forms

            Complete the performance form for each program (Adult, Dislocated Worker/DR-DWG (NDWG) for which you are submitting a proposal.

            Gaston County                                                    Proposed Performance:  Adult                     Program Year 2021-2022












            New enroll-





























            placement rate


            Cost Per










            Targeted Populations:


            Low income single parents


            Individual with disability


            Low income 18 – 24 year olds




            TANF participants


            Working Poor


            Unemployment Insurance exhaustees




            Youth/Young Adults aged out of Foster Care*



            * new targeted population for Gaston County focused on in demand career pathways including advanced manufacturing, technical and trade employment.



            Gaston County                               Proposed Performance:  Dislocated Worker                 Program Year 2021-2022












            New enroll





























            placement rate


            Cost Per












            Targeted Populations:


            Low income single parents


            Individual with disability


            Low income 18 – 24 year olds




            TANF participants


            Working Poor


            Unemployment Insurance exhaustees




            Youth/Young Adults aged out of Foster Care*




            * new targeted population for Gaston County focused on in demand career pathways including advanced manufacturing, technical and trade employment.


            8.c.  Performance Narrative.


            Please define the results for your proposed program (3 pages maximum):


            1. Describe the process for accurate and timely data entry of customer information into NCWorks™ as well as the in-house data management system. Who will be charged with this task? What is your on-site and off-site (centralized) capacity?


            1. An effective management system must have a process that verifies progress in attaining established performance objectives. Describe the system you will use to monitor and verify that performance measures are met.


            1. Describe the following relative to performance measures:
              1. Demonstrated commitment to achieve and surpass all mandated performance measures.
              2. Identification of additional performance indicators to measure WIOA program impacts and evaluate success.
            • Evaluation methods for tracking and ensuring that all required performance measures are met or exceeded.
            1. Internal systems to identify operational problems and take appropriate corrective action to improve performance issues as necessary. Proposers must include with this proposal a description of their continuous improvement process.


            1. Contractors are responsible to closely and formally monitor performance. Please describe your

            internal monitoring plan. Contractors are subject to Gaston County Workforce Development Program formal monitoring.


            1. Describe your plan and commitment that enables WIOA staff to maintain regular, ongoing personal contact and communication with the contractor staff and, as needed, with customers at all locations.


            1. Transition Plan – 20 points

            (3 pages maximum)


            1. Describe your plan for working with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and NCWorks Career Centers to notify customers, providers, and other community organizations about changes. Outline your plan for providing uninterrupted WIOA services and activities to customers.
              1. Demonstrate and describe your past experience with change management on a system level. How will you ensure that you attract the best and brightest employees that can perform cross-functional duties and be supervised and evaluated on performance-based outcomes?


              1. How will you work to continue on the activities from the 2014-2015 WIA (now WIOA) program year to minimize the effect on service delivery to customers?


              1. Describe your transition timeline. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program expects the contractor to begin assisting with transition planning immediately after the award and expects implementation on July 1, 2015.


              1. Describe how you will implement the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) model with your staff and the staff of the Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) within the currently certified NCWorks Career Center and subsequently certified NCWorks Career Center sites In Gaston County.






















              1. Statement of Compliance Form


              As the authorized signatory official for:                                                                                                        

              Submitting Lead Organization

              I hereby certify:


              • That the above named proposer is legally authorized to submit this application requesting funding under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


              • That the above-named proposer does hereby agree to execute all work related to this application in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, U.S. Department of Labor, State of North Carolina Department of Labor and Industry issuances, Gaston County Workforce Development Program policies and guidelines, and other administrative requirements issued by the State of North Carolina. The vendor shall notify the Gaston Workforce Development Program in writing within 30 calendar days after issuance of any amended directives if it cannot so comply with the amendments; and


              • That the above named proposer will ensure special efforts to prevent fraud and other program abuses, such as but not limited to, deceitful practices, intentional misconduct, willful misrepresentation, and improper conduct which may or may not be fraudulent in nature; and


              That the contents of the proposal are truthful and accurate and the above named proposer agrees to comply with the policies stated in this proposal and that this proposal represents a firm request subject only to mutually agreeable negotiations; and that the above named proposer is in agreement that the Gaston County reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and that the above-

              • named proposer has not been debarred or suspended from receiving federal grants, contracts, or assistance; and that the above-named proposer waives any right to claims against the members and staff of the Gaston County Workforce Development Board and staff.


              • By submitting a proposal, proposer agrees:
              • To comply with the President’s Executive Order #11375 and Executive Order #11246, which prohibit discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national origin.
              • To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
              • The following items (in addition to other requirements listed in the RFP) will be part of any contract that might result from the RFP document:
              • Contract shall be subject to the laws of North Carolina.
              • Any litigation arising from the contract shall take place in Gaston County, North Carolina for state court issues and in Charlotte, North Carolina for federal court litigation.
              • A non-funding clause must be in any agreement extending into a new fiscal year.
              • Gaston County will not indemnify nor pay for court costs or attorney fees for any reason for the vendor.
              • In the event that the successful contractor is unable to perform the agreements and terms of contract, Gaston County may, at its election, terminate the contract. Performance of contract shall be in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to Gaston County, who shall be the sole judge of quality and performance.
              • E-verify requirements – the following wording will be included in any contract:


              APPLICABILITY:  This certification is only required for individuals and business associations conducting business in the State of North Carolina and who employ twenty-five (25) or more employees in the state (not counting temporary seasonal workers employed nine months or less within a calendar year), regardless of the location of the vendor’s headquarters. Subcontractors hired by in-state or out-of-state individuals or business associations, must also meet the aforementioned criteria.  For information on E-Verify and methodology of compliance, see; General Statute. 153A-449; Chapter 64, Article 2 of the North Carolina General Statutes.


              CERTIFICATION: By signing and entering into a contract with Gaston County, I hereby certify that I comply with E-Verify, the aforementioned Federal program used to verify the work authorization of newly hired employees working in North Carolina.  I certify compliance with the E-Verification program pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes.  If applicable, I am also certifying that any subcontractor hired or used by me will comply with E-Verify, as described herein.





              Authorized Representative Signature




              Typed Name and Title





              Gaston County Workforce Development Program

               Occupations In-Demand Training List


              Occupations Requiring High School and

              Vocational Training

              Business Operations

              • Billing and Posting Clerks
              • Brokerage Clerks
              • Customer Service Representatives
              • IT Project Managers
              • Receptionists & Information Clerks
              • Sales Representatives
              • Secretary/Administrative Assistants
              • Supervisors of Office & Administrative Workers


              Construction and Real Estate

              • Carpenters
              • Construction and Building Inspectors
              • Construction Laborers
              • Electrical Power-Line Installer and Repairers
              • Electricians
              • HVAC Mechanics and Installers
              • Maintenance and Repair Workers
              • Operating Engineers
              • Plumbers
              • Pipefitters and Steamfitters
              • Supervisors of Construction Workers
              • Telecommunications Line Installers/Repairers


              Finance and Insurance

              • Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks
              • Loan Interviewers and Clerks


              Health Care and Human Services

              • Child Care Workers
              • Dental Assistants
              • EMTs/Paramedics
              • Home Health and Personal Care Aides
              • Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses
              • Medical Assistants
              • Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
              • Medical Secretaries
              • (Certified) Nursing Assistants
              • Pharmacy Technicians
              • Phlebotomists
              • Physical Therapist Assistants
              • Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers
              • Surgical Technologists
              • Teacher Assistants


              Hospitality and Tourism

              • Chefs and Head Cooks
              • Food Services Managers
              • Lodging Managers
              • Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners



              • CNC Machinists
              • Civil Engineering Technicians
              • Industrial Machinery Mechanics
              • Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers
              • Machinists
              • Sales Representatives (Wholesale and Manufacturing)
              • Welders


              Transportation and Logistics

              • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
              • Bus, Truck, Diesel Engine Mechanics
              • Cargo and Freight Agents
              • Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers

              Occupations Requiring Associates or Bachelor’s Degrees

              Business Operations

              • Business Operations Specialists
              • Compliance Officers
              • Cost Estimators
              • General and Operations Managers
              • Graphic Designers
              • Human Resource Specialists
              • Management Analysts
              • Market Research Analysts/Marketing Specialists
              • Operations Research Analysts
              • Paralegals and Legal Assistants
              • Technical Writers
              • Wholesale Buyers/Procurement Specialists


              Construction and Real Estate

              • Construction Managers
              • Property and Community Association Managers


              Finance and Insurance

              • Accountants and Auditors
              • Insurance Sales Agents
              • Loan Officers
              • Personal Financial Advisors
              • Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents


              Health Care and Human Services

              • Cardiovascular Technicians/Technologists
              • Dental Hygienists
              • Diagnostics Medical Sonographers
              • Medical and Clinical Technicians/Technologists
              • Mental Health Counselors
              • Occupational Health and Safety Specialists
              • Physical Therapist Assistants
              • Radiologic Technologists
              • Registered Nurses
              • Social and Human Services Assistants
              • Teachers
                • Veterinary Technicians/Technologists



                • Computer Network/User Support Specialists
                • Computer and Information Systems Managers
                • Computer Network Architects
                • Computer Systems Analysts
                • Database Administrators
                • Information Security Analysts
                • Network and Computer Systems Administrators
                • Software Developers
                • Web Developers

                Manufacturing and Engineering

                • Civil Engineers
                • Electrical Engineers
                • Environmental Engineers
                • Mechanical Engineers

                Transportation and Logistics

                • Logisticians
                • Purchasing Agents
                • Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers

                Source: JobsEQ, 2017 *Includes data for: Anson, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly, and Union ●  Revised January 2018