Request for Proposals Package- Youth Services


WIOA Proposal Budget Worksheet

Gaston County Workforce Development Program

Request for Proposals Package

Program Year 2021

(July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022)

with option to extend

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Youth Services

Notice of Request for Proposals announcement:

Thursday April 22, 2021

RFP Package Release Date:

Friday April 23, 2021


May 14, 2021 12:00 Noon (Eastern Standard Time)

THE GASTON COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM is an equal opportunity Employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Table of Contents

Timeframes and Resource Materials                                               3

Section I:  General Information

Purpose of Request for Proposals                                                                  3

Estimated Allocations                                                                                       4

Eligible organizations                                                                                       4

Section II:  Background Information

Gaston County Workforce Development Board Overview

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Overview                             5

GCWDB Youth Council                                                                                    5

GCWDB Vision for WIOA Youth Programs                                                6

WIOA Youth Service Delivery                                                                        7

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Eligibility Criteria             7

WIOA Youth Program Design Elements                                                     8

Performance and Case Management Tracking                                         10

Section III:  Solicitation Process and Terms

RFP Inquiries, Questions, Answers and deadline for questions             11

Pre-Proposal Conference – Mandatory                                                         11

Proposal Evaluation Process                                                                           11

Proposal Evaluation Criteria                                                                           12

Section IV:  Provisions, Disclaimers and County’s Rights                                          14

Section V:  RFP Response Instructions

Submission Requirements                                                                                                     17

General Preparation Instructions                                                                                      18

Section VI:  Response Package                                                                                         21

Action Item Date
RFP Announcement – Advertisement Period Thursday, April 22, 2021  thru  Friday , May 14th, 2021 NOON Posted to: Gaston County WDB Website: Gaston County WDB Facebook Page: Gaston Workforce Development Board Gaston County WDB Instagram Page: WorkforceGaston Gaston County Twitter Handle: @Workforcegaston
RFP Release Date Friday, April 23, 2021 at:
Proposer Conference (Orientation) Gathering Supporting DataCreating SMART GoalsSetting Benchmarks for Performance Evaluation and monthly ReportingCreating Partnerships & MOUsLeveraging FundsCreating a BudgetThe Evaluation Process Friday,April 30, 2021 @ 11:00
Due Date for Proposals Friday, May 14th – NOON
Award Announcement* Monday, May 24th , 2021
Program start date* Thursday, July 1st 2021

* Dates are approximate and subject to change.

Resource materials relating to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs which may aid in preparing proposals are available on the internet at the following sites:

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Section I:  General Information

  1. Purpose of Request for Proposal

The Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services and Gaston County Workforce Development programs announce the release of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding to organizations interested in providing youth workforce development services to Gaston County youth ages 16 – 24.  Proposals are being solicited for:

  1. Youth services to be provided to out-of-school youth in Gaston County, which is the primary focus of WIOA youth funding.  A minimum of 90% of all Youth funding is earmarked for OSY services.
  2. Youth services to be provided to in-school youth in Gaston County are already enrolled in WIOA.  Due to reduced federal funding, limited enrollment for in-school youth is highly encouraged.

This RFP is for a one-year period, July 1st, 2021-June 30th, 2022 with an option to extend 1 year at a time for an additional two (2) years .   Contracts will be performance-based with funding linked to defined performance outcomes, including WIOA measures, and depend on future funding availability, contractors’ satisfactory performance, achieving benchmarks & contract goals, and other items as applicable.  The awarded contractor is required to serve those participants already enrolled in the WIOA youth programs as of June 30, 2021  These youth will be assigned accordingly by Gaston County Workforce Development staff based on contract negotiations.  Gaston County reserves the option to modify contracts on a year-to-year basis. Profit (if applicable) will be re-negotiated each year and a profit cost analysis completed prior to an amendment being completed for any contract extensions.

  1.  Estimated Allocations

For purposes of this RFP, Gaston County is unable to project a total allocation for the contract period at this time.  It is anticipated that the projected amount will be known on or about the time of the final negotiations for contracts. It is anticipated that a contract maximum for the Gaston County WDB Youth Program could  be approximately $450,000 for FY 2021-2022 (July 1st 2021 through June 30, 2022) based on recent prior program years.

However, maximum contractor (proposer) funding is finalized, and actual  contract budgets negotiated, after the confirmation of funding allocations is received by the GCWDB from the NC Department of Commerce – Division of Workforce Solutions for the applicable program year period. Funding is also additionally contingent upon approval of appropriations and the FY2021-2022 County Budget by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.

  • Eligible Organizations

Organizations eligible to submit proposals for this RFP include:

  • Public
  • private for-profit businesses;
  • private not-for-profit organizations (including faith and community-based organizations)
  • labor groups
  • governmental entities (including the public school system, community colleges, local government and other public sector organizations);

Any not-for-profit entity MUST have been incorporated for at least two years (as evidenced by a letter from the appropriate governing body certifying incorporation)  AND be designated as a 501 c-3 tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service.  Any for-profit entity must have been incorporated at least two (2) years, and applicants must provide an Original Certificate of Insurance by the time of the award announcement.

Agencies submitting proposals must have the ability to receive, disburse, and account for funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices (as deemed acceptable by Gaston County); are licensed or otherwise authorized to do business in the state of North Carolina; demonstrate the ability to provide program services as specified in the RFP; are not debarred or suspended for participation in state or county contracts, fidelity bonded; and demonstrate the ability to comply with WIOA regulations.

Section II:  Background Information

A.  Gaston County Workforce Development Board Overview

The Gaston County Workforce Development Board (GCWDB) is an employer driven committee whose members are appointed by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.  As one of 23 Workforce Development Boards in North Carolina, the Gaston County WDB works to identify current and future employer needs by addressing the full workforce development continuum, including pipeline development, recruitment, advancement, and retention and is steadfast in its commitment to leveraging resources and engaging partners committed to developing and strengthening our area’s workforce talent.  Established by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (former known as the Workforce Investment Act), the Gaston County WDB has a federal mandate to be the lead organization for workforce development planning and to arrange for a system of service delivery that meets the workforce needs of business and the public alike.

To address issues for the emerging workforce and young adult population, the Gaston County Youth Committee was established as a standing committee by the Workforce Development Board.  It is charged with advising the Gaston County Workforce Development Program of youth trends and challenges and providing information on how to meet the needs of our most vulnerable youth populations.  The Youth Committee is also driven by corporate employers and includes representatives from local community partners, youth services agencies, public housing authorities, parents of eligible youth, and former WIOA youth participants.

Each year, workforce investment areas receive a designated allotment of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act formula funds, distributed among eligible youth, adults, dislocated workers and training services.  Gaston County Government serves as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act fiscal agent for the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  This RFP will distribute the WIOA youth funds; a separate RFP has been issued for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Funds.

B.  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Overview

The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act was signed into law by then President Obama on July 22, 2014 and entitled “The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.”  Final regulations were issued on August 19, 2016.  These documents can be accessed at

Grantees must comply with the Act, the regulations, state and local administrative entities’ instructions, agency policies, and other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

            1.  Gaston County WDB Youth Committee

            The Gaston County Workforce Development Board Youth Committee operates under

the direction of the Gaston County WDB and works to assess the needs and barriers of

the emerging workforce and the education and training needed to develop sustainable employment opportunities for the target youth population of 16 to 24 year olds.  The Youth Committee is comprised of people from youth service agencies, the public housing authority, parents of eligible youth, community-based organizations that work with youth, businesses, WIOA partners, and former WIOA youth participants

            2.  The Vision for WIOA Youth Programs

The Gaston County Workforce Development program envisions a WIOA Youth Program with an emphasis on unpaid job shadowing, paid work-based learning opportunities and/or internships  that offer  career exploration, life skills and work readiness development.  WIOA funded activities should be designed to guide youth from postsecondary education to sustainable employment in an “in-demand” career.

Youth entering a workforce development program should be directed based on individual skills and needs.  However, the primary focus of the WIOA Youth program shall be to prepare, support and direct participants to employment through education and training.

Youth Program providers will be measured not only on individual outcomes, but on how well they connect to other providers, social services, etc. on behalf of the youth’s needs.  The Gaston County Workforce Development Program does not want youth to fall through the cracks based on age, skills level, social service needs, and/or funding availability. This connectivity will enable the Gaston County Workforce Development program to keep youth participants on a progressive pathway, while understanding the impact and effectiveness of each component of the youth workforce development system.

The Gaston County Workforce Development Program shall seek contractors that will:

  • Identify and serve the most at-risk youth, including foster care and aging out of foster care youth
  • Provide youth with multiple paths to gainful employment
  • Prepare youth for employment in emerging high growth industries
  • Maintain the highest quality of services while producing measurable results
  • Track youth through the life of their program participation

C.  WIOA Youth Service Delivery

WIOA separates service delivery to youth by differentiating between in-school youth (ISY) and out-of-school youth (OSY).  ISY are defined as youth who are regularly attending an accredited high school and who are in active pursuit of a degree or GED.  An OSY is defined in WIOA Section 109a.1.B.  To be served with WIOA youth funds, both ISY and OSY must meet the WIOA eligibility criteria below.

D.  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Eligibility Criteria for Youth

The following link provides detailed criteria on eligibility for youth

Out-of-school youth must be aged 16-24, not attending any school, and meet one or more additional conditions, which could include: School dropout; within age of compulsory attendance but has not attended for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter; holds a secondary school diploma or recognized equivalent and is low-income and is basic skills deficient or an English language learner; subject to the juvenile or adult justice system; homeless, runaway, in foster care or aged out of the foster care system, eligible for assistance under Section 477, Social Security Act, or in out-of-home placement; pregnant or parenting; an individual with a disability; low income person who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment

In-school youth must be aged 14-21, attending school, low income, and meet one or more additional conditions, which could include: Basic skills deficient; English language learner; an offender; homeless, runaway, in foster care or aged out of the foster care system; pregnant or parenting; an individual with a disability; person who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment

WIOA defines the five Youth Program elements as (1) Financial Literacy; (2) Entrepreneurial skills training; (3) Services that provide labor market and employment information in the local area; (4) Activities that help youth transition to postsecondary education and training; (5) Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster

It is the Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s expectation that proposals will include the minimum youth service delivery requirements outlined in WIOA.

At least 20 percent of local Youth formula funds must be used for work experiences, such as summer and year-round employment, pre-apprenticeship, on-the-job training, or internships and job shadowing

E.  WIOA Youth Program Design Elements

A successful program will include the following design elements:

1.  Focus on accountability for outcomes, especially the obtainment of a certificate/degree and placement in post-secondary education/employment

2.  Focus on building a youth workforce development system that leverages the strengths of multiple organizations and funding streams, both partnerships and through tracking/reporting of outcomes

3.  Target and serve high need area- respondents are expected to identify the highest concentration of WIOA eligible youth and area of need based on census tract, Department of Education, Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human  Services data, and/or community organization experience serving high and at-risk youth.  Proposals are encouraged to find ways to align their recruitment strategies ad participant cohorts with the areas of highest need, while keeping in mind that youth must be served with the associated geographic region that the funding is allotted to.

4.  Focus on youth with barriers to employment- WIOA requires programs to serve youth who have one or more of the following barriers to employment.  While all the barriers are important, providers are encouraged to tailor proposals to focus on barriers i) through vi) as they have been identified as the highest risk youth:

  1. Deficient in basic literacy skills
    1. School dropout
    1. Homeless, runaway, or foster child
    1. Pregnant or a parent
    1. An offender
    1. Youth with a disability

5.  Complete the Career Readiness Certification by leveraging partnerships with other workforce development programs.

6.  Coordinate and collaborate to ensure that youth have access to Youth Program Elements.  Programs should identify which elements their program will focus on and which elements they will rely on referral agencies to provide.  Gaston County Workforce Development Program places a strong emphasis on adult mentoring and employment opportunities/work experience as core components of all WIOA youth programs: Tutoring, study skills training, instruction, and evidence-based dropout prevention  strategies that lead to the completion of a secondary school diploma or recognized.

  1. equivalent
  2. Alternate secondary school services or dropout recovery services, as appropriate
  3. Paid and unpaid work experiences which have a component academic and occupational education such as summer employment, year-long employment, pre-apprenticeships, internships, job shadowing and OJT opportunities
  4. Occupational skills training
  5. Education offered in conjunction with training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster
  6. Leadership development opportunities, which may include community service and peer-centered activities encouraging responsibility and other positive social behaviors, as appropriate
  7. Supportive services
  8. Adult mentoring for the period of participation and a subsequent period, for a total of not less than 12 months
  9.  Follow-up services for not less than 12 months after the completion of participation, as appropriate
  10. Comprehensive guidance and counseling which may include drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral, as appropriate
  11. Financial Literacy education
  12. Entrepreneurial skills training
  13. Services that provide information about in-demand industry or occupations in the local area
  14. Services that help youth prepare for and transition to post-secondary education and training

7.   Partner with employers within industry clusters that are conducive to youth                 employment/entry-level opportunities: building and construction, energy, health and human services, manufacturing, professional and technical services, and retail services.  Programs must build relationships with employers from these industry clusters so youth can experience career exploration, workplace learning opportunities, summer employment, and ultimately garner sustainable employment.

8.  Partner with school districts and career and technology centers (In-School Youth only) by articulating and providing evidence of how school districts and CTCs  will be leveraged as an integral resource to ensure youth are graduating high school on time, receiving a wealth of career exploration resources and experiences, and are successfully placed in sustainable employment/post-secondary education.

            9.   Develop innovative intake activities and creative recruitment strategies.

10. Collaborate with the GCWDB Youth Committee and GCWDB Partners – The Gaston Workforce Development Program is seeking innovative ideas for connecting WIOA programs and participants to other publicly funded workforce development programs.  The Gaston Workforce Development Program is currently partnering with local organizations to create community-based workforce strategies.  Successful contractors will be      expected to engage in this process and support the programs and policies that result.

11. Utilize the resources available through NCWorks Career Centers (America’s Job Centers) – Programs should leverage the resources available through NCWorks Career Centers, which can be used to assist job seekers in finding job openings, preparing resumes and cover letters, job training opportunities and gaining computer training skills.

F.  Performance and Case Management Tracking NCWorks™ is the system that will be used for client tracking.  All successful contractors will be required to use NCWorks™ to record and track all client activities and program services.  Reports generated from NCWorks™ will be utilized to determine program performance by the service provider, Gaston County Workforce Development Programs, NC Department of Commerce/Division of Workforce Solutions, and NC Department of Labor.  Therefore, knowledge of the system, accuracy, and timely entry of information is critical.  System training will be facilitated by Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff but it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure on-going staff expertise and cooperation. Below are the most recent Negotiated Performance Measures for Gaston County WIOA programs.   For PY 20 and PY 21, contractors will be held to the Negotiated Performance Measures.

(State ) Negotiated Performance Rate Table – Gaston County WDB PY2020-2021

                                   Title I – Programs
Adult Dislocated Worker Youth
PY 2020 PY 2021 PY 2020 PY 2021 PY 2020 PY 2021
Employment (Second Quarter after Exit) 82.0% 83.0% 79.0% 80.0% 66.0% 66.5%
Employment (Fourth Quarter after Exit) 79.0% 79.5% 80.0% 79.0% 65.0% 66.0%
Median Earnings (Second Quarter after Exit) $5,800 $6,100 $6,700 $6,900 $3,500 $3,650
Credential Attainment Rate 60.0% 60.0% 65.0% 65.6% 52.3% 53.0%

Measurable Skill Gains
Title III – Program
PY 2020
PY 2021
Employment (Second Quarter after Exit)
Employment (Fourth Quarter after Exit)
Median Earnings (Second Quarter after Exit)
In addition, contractors will be asked to provide additional documentation or information not accessible through NCWorks™ to evaluate performance outcomes, as well as program strengths and weaknesses.  Each contractor needs to display how they will track and manage outcomes.
Section III:  Solicitation Process and Terms
A.  RFP Inquiries, Questions, Answers, and Deadline for Questions
Initial communication, between the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and potential contractors who have intention to bid, will take place when the Potential Proposers contact Gaston Co WDB Staff to request the virtual meeting link and password for the Proposer’s Conference After the Proposer’s Conference, questions will be submitted in writing via email.  The associated answers will be posted to the Gaston Co WDB website at  Questions and answers will continue to be updated at least through Friday, May 7th 2021.  All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Angela Karchmer at (cc: Sally Heglar at It is the proposer’s responsibility to check the website for questions and answer updates related to this Request For Proposals prior to submitting their final proposal.  Additionally, it is the proposer’s responsibility to check their email frequently to stay connected and apprised throughout the process.  Questions will not be answered over the phone or in person.  Only questions submitted via email by 5pm on Monday, May 7th 2021 are guaranteed a response.
B.  Proposer Conference
The Gaston County Workforce Development Proposer Conference will be held on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 11:00 am.  The conference will be held virtually via web-based meeting link.  This is the forum Gaston County Government has selected to present its detailed information on the RFP

and allow for potential questions. Those interested in attending should contact Apryl Smith via email at  with:  your contact name, associated company or agency’s name (if applicable), email address, mailing address, and phone number- along with your request for the virtual meeting  link & password prior to NOON on Thursday April 29th, 2021 to receive this information and be added to the potential proposers’ “Intention to Bid” list.The meeting link will open at 10:45 am to allow authorized attendees to be signed in & answer virtual roll call at 11:00 am.

Interested parties are encouraged to attend to receive RFP instructions, ask questions and gain information on how to complete and submit the application, should they choose to submit a proposal.  A brief amount of time will also be set-aside during the conference for questions to be submitted.  Every effort will be made at the Pre-Proposal Conference to answer questions submitted that day; however, all questions will be answered and posted to the website

C.  Proposal Evaluation Process 

Phase I: 

Gaston County Workforce Development Proposal Review Team will initially evaluate each proposal for acceptability, with emphasis placed on completeness and responsiveness to requisite program criteria.  The following minimum criteria will be used to determine which proposals will continue on to Phase II:

  • All required services for the program for which they are proposing are addressed;
  • All requested information and documentation is included in the application package; and
  • The proposal is submitted in accordance with the RFP.

Phase II: 

Proposals that have met the minimum criteria, as stated above, will then be reviewed and ranked by Gaston County Workforce Development Board – Proposal Review Team.  Proposals will be ranked based on evaluation criteria outlined in the next section.  These rankings will be used as a guide for discussion and determination of recommendations.  Note: The Gaston County Workforce Development staff retains the right to request additional information from any applicant, request oral presentations from applicants, or conduct site visits from any applicant before a contract is awarded.  If no response adequately addresses the services and outcomes requested, the committee may recommend that no award be made.

Phase III:  The recommendations of the Gaston County Workforce Development staff, if any, will be presented to the Gaston County Workforce Development Board for approval by vote and to the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.  All contract awards will be considered provisional pending receipt of any

additional documentation regarding administrative qualifications and any other areas of concern, the successful completion of contract negotiations, and the availability of funds.

D.  Proposal Evaluation Criteria

The Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff will evaluate each submitted proposal based on the following:

  1. Cover Page                                                                       Pass/Fail
  2. Proposal Checklist                                                           Pass/Fail
  3. Proposal Summary                                                         Pass/Fail
  4. Baseline Requirements                                                   Pass/Fail
  5. Organizational Experience and Past Performance      25 Points
  6. Relationships and Collaboration                                   30 Points
  7. Program Design and Staffing                                         35 Points
  8. Program Cost and Planned Performance                     50 Points
  9. Transition Plan                                                                10 Points
  10. Statement of Compliance Form                                     Pass/Fail
  11. One copy of each of the last two years’ audited           Pass/Fail

Financial statements

12. One copy of your business license (if applicable) or   Pass/Fail

      a letter evidencing incorporation per Section I., C.

      and verification of your 501 C-3 status.

The maximum number of points available is 150 points.  Sections 1-4 and 10-12 will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.  Points will be awarded for responses to Sections 5-9.  These sections ask the proposer what they will do, how they will do it, how much it will cost, and how qualified they are to successfully carry out their proposal.

All sections are required to be completed.  Refusal to complete all of the sections successfully will eliminate the proposer from consideration.

Scored Sections

Organizational Experience and Past Performance                                           25 points

This category will evaluate past experience in providing services similar to those being proposed, including the ability to deliver as proposed, attain, track, and report performance.  Evaluation of the performance and management capability of the proposing agency(s) will include:

  1. Compatibility between proposing agency’s mission and Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s work
  2. Administrative experience and capacity
  3. Experience with WIOA services, federal regulations, and performance measures
  4. Success in meeting and exceeding performance measures
  5. Experience in implementing innovative systems
  6. Experience in providing employer services

Relationship and Collaboration                                                                            30 points

This category will evaluate how well the contractor has planned to work together with the mandated NCWorks Career Center partners, community colleges, training providers, community organizations and other service providers to leverage funds and integrate services and staff functions.  Evaluation of this section will include:

  1. Evidence of credible and realistic partnerships
  2. Relationships with community organizations that serve target populations
  3. Collaboration with WIOA Adult service providers to triage and seamlessly serve 18-24 year olds
  4. Ability to apply for and receive other funds

Program Design                                                                                                       35 points

This category will evaluate the adequacy, creativity, and plausibility of program design, services, and processes, including evaluation of:

  1. Program goals and relationship to Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s work
  2. Efforts at reaching and serving targeted populations
  3. Demonstrated understanding of employer needs
  4. Experience in fundraising and strategic management of resources
  5. Experience in managing change/transition/innovation
  6. How the contractor will assist and support participants in moving towards self-sufficiency
  7. How the contractor will ensure job placement, retention, and self-sufficient wages for jobseekers
  8. How the contractor will develop and implement a personalized and customized service approach for employers

A concrete and detailed plan to recruit participants for training in high-demand

  1. occupations
  2. System integration efforts
  3. Leadership, creativity, flexibility, and innovation

Program Cost and Planned Performance                                                            50 points

This category will evaluate the cost and performance numbers of the proposed program and the degree to which expenditure of funds relates to performance outcomes.  Budgets and performance numbers will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness.  Additionally, all proposals will be reviewed for costs and performance numbers that are reasonable, plausible, fully justified, and competitive as measured by the review of line item budget, the program design, cost per participant, and comparison to all other proposals.  Note:  The budget that is proposed will not necessarily be the amount funded.

Transition Plan                                                                                                        10 points

This category will assess the ability to make a timely and smooth transition that will minimize any disruption in services to jobseekers and employers.  The plan should also include timeliness and cost-efficient transition activities.

Section IV:  Provisions, Disclaimers and County’s Rights

  1. All solicitations are contingent upon availability of funds.
  2. This RFP is for a one year contract and is renewable at the discretion of the board.
  3. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received.
  4. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to waive informalities and minor irregularities in the proposals received.
  5. This RFP does not commit the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to award a contract.
  6. This RFP is for WIOA services and other related programs and funding streams which may become available to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program during this funding period.
  7. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may accept any item or group of items of any proposal, unless the proposal qualified its offer by specific limitations, may select multiple contractors to provide services under the same funding stream or select a single contractor to provide services under multiple funding streams.
  1. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may select a service provider based on its initial proposal received, without discussion of the proposal.  Accordingly, each proposal should be submitted on the most favorable terms from a price and technical standpoint that the contractor can submit to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.
  2. Proposals should follow the format set forth in the RFP Response Package section of the RFP and adhere to the minimum requirements specified therein.
  3. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program retains the right to request additional information from any proposer, request oral presentations from proposers, or conduct site visits from any proposer, or conduct investigations relative to evaluation criteria before a contract award.
  4. No costs will be paid to cover the expense of preparing a proposal or procuring a contract for services or supplies under WIOA.
  5. All data, material, and documentation originated and prepared by the contractor pursuant to the contract shall belong exclusively to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, Right to Know Law, or other applicable legislation.
  6. The final award and execution of a contract is subject to receipt of WIOA funds, the Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s satisfactory negotiation of the terms of the contract, and the continued availability of funds.
  7. Any changes to the WIOA program, performance measures, funding level, or Gaston County Workforce Development Program direction may result in a change in contracting.  In such instances, the Gaston County Workforce Development Program shall not be liable for any damage arising from this Request for Proposals package or subsequent contract.
  8. Proposals submitted for funding consideration must be consistent with, and if funded operated according to, the federal WIOA legislation, all applicable federal regulations, State of North Carolina policies, and Gaston County Government policies and procedures.
  9. Contractor selected for funding must also ensure compliance with the following, as applicable:  US DOL regulations 20 CFR Part 652; 29 CFR Parts 96, 93, 37, 2, and 98; and 48CFR Part 31; Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, A-122, and A-133 OR 46 CFR part 31, whichever is applicable.
  10. Contractor will be expected to adhere to Gaston County Workforce Development Program procedures to collect, verify, and submit required data and submit monthly invoices to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  Contractors will also be expected to report to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program regarding progress on benchmarks and expected outcomes; budgeted expenditures; client services rendered and client’s transition into sustainable self-sufficency employment.
  1. Additional funds received by the Gaston County Workforce Development Program may be contracted by expanding existing programs or by consideration of proposals not initially funded under this RFP.  These decisions shall be made at the sole discretion of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.
  2. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program may decide not to fund part or all of a proposal even though it is found to be in the competitive range if, in the opinion of the Gaston County Workforce Development Program, the services proposed are not needed, or the costs are higher than the Gaston County Workforce Development Program finds reasonable in relation to the overall funds available, or if past management concerns lead the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to believe that the contractor has undertaken more services than it can reasonably provide.
  3. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program has a right to fund a lower ranked proposal over a higher ranked proposal because of valid policy considerations, including but not limited to, organizational experience, geographical considerations, leveraging of outside resources, and target populations.
  4. Any proposal approved for funding is contingent on the results of a pre-award site visit that may be conducted by Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff.  This site visit will establish, to Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s satisfaction, whether the contractor is capable of conducting and carrying out the provisions of the proposed contract.  If the results of the site visit indicate, in the opinion of Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff, that the contractor may not be able to fulfill contract expectations, Gaston County reserves the right not to enter into contract with the organization, regardless of Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff’s approval of the contractor’s proposal.
  5. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program is required to abide by all WIOA legislation and regulations.  Therefore, Gaston County reserves the right to modify or alter the requirements and standards set forth in this RFP based on program requirements mandated by state or federal agencies.
  6. All contractors must ensure equal opportunity to all individuals.  No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any WIOA-funded program or activity because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or belief.
  7. All contractors must ensure access to individuals with disabilities pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  8. Contractors must accept liability for all aspects of any WIOA program conducted under contract with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program.  Contractors will be liable for any disallowed costs or illegal expenditures of funds or program operations conducted.

Reductions in the funding level of any contract resulting from this solicitation process may be considered during the contract period when a contractor fails to meet expenditure, participant,

  1. and/or outcome goals specified in the contract or when anticipated funding is not forthcoming from the federal or state governments.
  2. Contractors will allow local, state, and federal representatives access to all WIOA records, program materials, staff and participants.  In addition, contractors are required to maintain all WIOA records, for at least three years. The three year period runs from the last day of the program year. (29 CFR Part 95).
  3. The contract award will not be final until Gaston County and the successful contractor have executed a mutually satisfactory contractual agreement.  The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted.  No program activity may begin prior to execution of a contractual agreement between the successful contractor and Gaston County.
  4. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to cancel an award immediately if new state or federal regulations or policy makes it necessary to change the program purpose or content substantially, or to prohibit such a program.
  5. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to determine both the number and the funding levels of contract finally awarded.  Such determination will depend upon overall fund availability and other factors arising during the proposal review process.  Proposals submitted which are over the maximum amount of WIOA funds appropriated to Gaston County by the NC Department of Commerce for Program Year 2021-2022 may be rejected.
  6. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to discuss or meet with one or more potential contractors to facilitate arriving at a contract that will be satisfactory to the County, including but not limited to financial terms.
  7. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to supplement, amend, substitute or otherwise modify this RFP, or cancel this RFP at any time.
  8. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program reserves the right to award all, none, or any part of the RFP Services that is determined by the County to be in the best interest of the County, to one or more of the potential contractors responding.

Section V:  RFP Response Instructions                                                                                                                 

  1. Submission Requirements

All proposals must be received via email or dropped off in-person by 12 Noon (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, May 14, 2021. Proposals not received by this specified time will be automatically disqualified from competition—no exceptions. Gaston County is not responsible for lost or misdirected proposals. Note-Proposer is responsible for his/her method of delivery and to ensure the proposal is received by the specified recipient by the specified date/time.

**See next page for additional instructions**

Please email proposals (faxed proposals will not be accepted) to: (cc:


If in-person drop off is necessary, please contact Apryl Smith at: to make prior arrangements to do so.

Physical Address:

330 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Way

Gastonia, NC 28052

If proposal is dropped off in-person:

The submitted proposal package must include one original copy of the proposal in a sealed envelope marked “WIOA YOUTH Request for Proposals.”  Include all of the required forms, narrative answers and attachments that pertain to your proposal and (5) hard copies of the complete proposal with all attachments.

If proposal is submitted via email:

The submitted proposal package must still include one original copy of the proposal with (authenticated) digital signature(s) along with all required forms, narrative answers and attachments that pertain to your proposal.

  • Failure to do as instructed will disqualify your proposal from competition.
  • Proposals are limited to a total of 44 narrative pages.
  • Responses must follow the outline and use the forms provided in the Proposal Response Package
  • (Section VI) Additional forms are discouraged.
  • Please use 12-point “Times New Roman” font, 1-inch margins, and double spacing.
  • Staple your proposal but do not bind it in any other way (if dropping off in-person)
  • Letters of recommendation will not be accepted.
  • All proposals are to be submitted in accordance with the terms, conditions and procedures stated in the RFP.


A submitted proposal may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date. A written request to withdraw the application must be submitted to the Gaston Workforce Development Program.  If a contractor does not withdraw a proposal by the due date, the proposal becomes the property of the Gaston Workforce Development Program and may be subject to public disclosure.

B. General Preparation Instructions

The RFP response is divided into components as indicated below.  Potential contractors may duplicate the forms as presented within this RFP packet or include the items on their own forms.  As noted previously, all sections are required to be completed.  Refusal or failure to complete all of the sections successfully will eliminate the proposer from consideration.

Section Format
 Cover Page Form  
Proposal Checklist Form  
Proposal Summary Narrative  
Baseline Requirements Form  
Organizational Experience and Past Performance Narrative  
Relationship and Collaboration Narrative  
Program Design and Staffing Narrative  
Program Cost and Performance Form and Narrative  
Planned Performance Numbers Form and Narrative  
Transition Plan Narrative  
Statement of Compliance Form Form  

The narrative section of the proposal should not exceed 44 pages. The instructions for each section are provided below.

1. Cover Page

The cover page is to be completed by the proposing organization or lead applicant if the proposal is from more than one organization. The proposal cover page must be completed, in full, and signed by an agency officer authorized to bind the agency to all commitments made in the proposal. Only one cover page is needed per proposal.

2. Proposal Checklist

Please complete this form by placing a check by each item included in your proposal. It is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all the required elements and forms are included in the proposal.

3. Proposal Summary

Please provide an executive summary of your proposal.

4. Baseline Requirements

Please complete this form to confirm your commitment to the stated program items.

5. Organizational Experience and Past Performance

Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.

6. Relationships and Collaboration

Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.

7. Program Design and Staffing

Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.

8. Program Cost and Performance

Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed. If you are for-profit agency please include profit amounts in a separate line item.

9. Planned Performance Numbers

When projecting numbers for July 1, 2014 and beyond, use best guess projections and assume full program funding.

10. Transition Plan

Please answer the questions on the form and in the order listed.

11. Statement of Compliance Form

Please certify the statement of compliance through a signature by an agency officer authorized to bind the agency to all commitments made in the proposal.

Section VI:  Response Package

Proposal Cover Page

Lead Agency Name:

Mailing Address:

Physical Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person:

Phone:                                      Fax:                                         Email:

Applying As: q  Single Agency/Organization      q Consortium of (#)                 Partners

Partner Agency Name(s):

Population to be served:      qOut of School Youth                       qIn-School Youth

Indicate the appropriate services(s) proposed in this RFP and budget summary:


$ _______________________                       _____________% of total

Number of participants to be served:


Cost per participant served:


Key Partners

Please provide names of the partner organizations with which you will have contractual relationship for the provision of services.

Community References

Provide contact information on community references that can talk about your workforce development experience.  If your organization or partners in your proposal have not provided WIOA Youth services in the Gaston County Workforce Development local area previously, please include a list of names and community references that can talk about your experience working with WIOA eligible clients.

Name:                                                                                                 Phone:

Agency:                                                                                               Email: ________________________


Name:                                                                                                 Phone:

Agency:                                                                                               Email: ________________________


To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant, and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the contract is awarded.

Typed Name of Authorized Representative                                   Title of Authorized Representative


Signature of Authorized Representative                 Telephone Number                           Date

Proposal Checklist

It is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all required elements and forms are included in the proposal.  Proposals that do not include the required elements and forms will be automatically disqualified.  No exceptions will be granted.  If you have questions about the requirements or feel that special circumstances apply to your proposal, please submit a question in writing to the Gaston Workforce Development Program to be answered by email.

Before submitting your proposal, check the following:

q  A.  One original Proposal Response Package and required documents received via email OR

           One original Proposal Response Package and required documents plus 5 hard copies

 Proposal Response Package Requirements

1.   Proposal Cover Page

2.   Proposal Checklist

3.   Proposal Summary

4.   Baseline Requirements

5.   Organizational Experience and Past Performance

6.   Relationships and Collaboration

7.   Program Design and Staffing

8.   Program Cost and Performance

            a)  Budget Summary and Detail Form and Narrative

            b)  Outcome measurements for success and improvement

            c)  Planned Performance Forms and Narrative

9.    Transition Plan

10.  Statement of Compliance Form

q   B.  One copy of each of the last two years’ audited financial statements

q   C.  One copy of your business license (if applicable)

q   D.  If a not-for-profit, letter evidencing incorporation per Section I., C. and verification of your 501 C-3 status.

Proposal Summary

Please provide an executive summary of your proposal. (Maximum 2 pages.)

Baseline Requirements

Successful contractors to this RFP must demonstrate a commitment to several program elements deemed by the Gaston County Workforce Development Program to be required components of all WIOA youth services.

Please indicate your commitment below to implementing these elements into your program design:

Yes q No q With decreased funding and increased need, agree that the most money possible will be spent directly on participants without compromising the success and realistic costs of the program.
Yes q No q Utilize assessment tools as the measure of literacy and numeracy skill gains.  
Yes q No q Meet and exceed the negotiated measures as determined by the state of North Carolina for the Gaston County Workforce Development Program
Yes q No q Commit to collaborating with fellow WIOA youth service providers by sharing internal resources to strengthen the quality of programs system-wide.  
Yes q No q Commit to working with Gaston County Workforce Development Program Youth Council to build a youth workforce development system that tracks an individual youth through the lifetime of their participation in the program(s) until employment or postsecondary education is achieved.
Yes q No q Commit to collaborating with other Gaston County Workforce Development Program initiatives by participating in and providing referrals for, including but not limited to:  industry partnerships, work Experience initiatives, On-The-Job Training opportunities and other programs.
Yes q No q   Commit to collaborating with NC Department of Labor and Industry.  

Organizational Experience and Past Performance – 25 Points

(Maximum 10 pages)

 Describe your agency’s vision, mission, staffing and service expertise, services provided current customer base, funding sources, and funding stability.  Describe how this proposal relates to your organization’s goals and to the purpose of WIOA funded programs.

Describe your organization’s experience and outcomes from serving youth through workforce development program who are economically disadvantaged and have little or no work experience.  If you don’t have experience serving these types of youth, describe your proposed service delivery plan and outcomes.

Describe your organization’s and staff’s experience related to workforce development program design, delivery, program management, financial management (including use of acceptable accounting practices and controls), performance management and capacity to carry out your proposed program design. Include the number of people that would work on your proposed program and the skill sets of each (counselor, case manager, career interest coach, etc.)

Describe your organization’s success in meeting and exceeding workforce performance measures.  What were the measures?  How many youth were served?  How many were placed in employment?  How many were placed in postsecondary education?  What were your greatest challenges in achieving your outcomes and how did you overcome them?

Describe your organization’s experience in managing WIOA-funded/government programs, including knowledge and experience with federal funding sources, and local performance measures.  If you have no experience with WIOA funding, describe your experience managing youth workforce development programs.  Demonstrate how you partnered with other organizations to achieve your necessary outcomes.

If you have received WIOA funding in the past, please provide a list of your common measure achievements for each year you received funding, (please provide both In-School and Out-of-School if both populations were served).

Relationships and Collaboration – 30 Points

(Maximum 6 pages)

Demonstrate how your organization will collaborate and provide students with the placement opportunities and training programs available through other publicly funded workforce development programs.

Describe specifically how your program will collaborate with the WIOA Youth program to seamlessly serve 18 – 24 year old youth and how to ascertain if a youth would be best served in the adult system or through the youth system.

Describe how your organization will partner with community-based organizations, service providers, and other resources to ensure that your program does not replicate, but builds on, quality services that are already being provided in the region.  Additionally, how will your organization share in-house resources and best-practices models with other WIOA funded youth service providers?

Describe how your program will connect with partner agencies to ensure that youth receive access to all 14 of the elements required under WIOA and describe which of the 14 elements your program plans to focus on.

The Gaston County Workforce Development Program envisions the WIOA providers as being a conduit that connects all human services for WIOA eligible youth.  Describe your method for ensuring constant communication with a participant’s social worker, probation officer, teacher, IEP team, parents, etc. so that services and needs can be coordinated as a system.

Describe how your program will actively participate in Job Fairs and Provider Fairs as facilitated by WDB Business Services and community partners.

Describe your Summer Work Program for identified ISY and your Year-Round Work Program for OSY. A minimum of 20% of funding is required to be used to provide work-based learning opportunities for OSY.

Identify your key partners and how they were involved in the development of your proposal.  List the roles and responsibilities of each partner organization and how they will be a contributing partner in the obtainment of all the WIOA measures for all participants.  Provide a detailed strategy for how each identified partner agency will be held accountable to the obtainment of each of the individual WIOA measures (Bonus Points)

7. Program Design and Staffing – 35 points

(Maximum of 12 pages)

If you are proposing a joint or collaborative proposal, the roles and responsibilities of each proposed contractor and how they will structure their relationship(s) must be described throughout this section.

Describe your programs service methodology and program design.

Describe the experience youth will have in your program and proven success with your delivery model. Be specific in describing how many staff people the youth will see, when and how the youth will be referred for other services and the length of the program before the youth attains a job or postsecondary education.

Describe how the program will achieve the integration of the 14 elements and ensure provision of appropriate support services for WIOA youth based on individual need.

How will the development of individual service strategies for every participant be carried out to ensure that all youth are receiving the services needed? Additionally, how will the program identify the needs of the at-risk populations being served and assist participants in overcoming barriers through the use of an individual service strategy?

Describe how your program will utilize an innovative recruitment method to continually reach youth in need? Provide detail about how the program will integrate an effective process and plan for 12-month follow-up with all youth enrolled in the program, as well as describing your transition plan for youth to move along a service continuum when the program concludes.

Describe how the proposed program provides In-School Youth with ongoing support and encouragement toward the attainment of a degree or certificate or how the proposed program assists Out-of-School Youth through classroom instruction in the obtainment of a degree or certificate?

What is your approach to job placement, and how will dedicated staff and employer contacts be used to identify employment openings that can be filled by WIOA participants?

Describe how a selection of the following industry clusters will be addressed by the program: building and construction, energy, health and human services, manufacturing, professional and technical services, and retail services.

Demonstrate how at least 2 relationships with employers from different industry clusters have been built and how relationships with employers will continue to be fostered. Provide a history of your relationship with these employers by listing outcomes within but not limited to the following categories:

1) Internships and/or Apprenticeships

            2) Job shadows

            3) Sustainable placement in employment

            4) Engagement of the employer in advisory groups or other ongoing programming

Describe how you developed/will develop a plan to deliver academic assistance to raise the skill level of youth who are identified as basic skills deficient, (Out-of-school youth programs only)

Describe how the proposed program follows an evidence-based learning model and has a proven track record of successful outcomes. (Bonus Points)

Describe how the program is designed to serve at risk populations including: adjudicated youth, youth in foster-care and/or aging out of foster care, and youth with disabilities. Additionally, please outline your projected number of participants for each at-risk population for 2021-22.  (Bonus Points)

 8.  Program Cost and Performance – 50 points

Please summarize your total budget for all areas for which you are proposing in Section 8.a.  Please complete a separate budget detail form for each area you are proposing to serve in Section 8.b.

Section 8.a :  Budget Summary

Summarize total WIOA funds requested from Section 8.a below.  Summarize total in-kind or leveraged funds as non-WIOA funds from Section 8.a below.  State the sources and specific purpose of the funds in Section 8.a – Budget Narrative.

Section 8.a Budget Summary

Gaston County In-School Youth Out-of-School Youth Total


Non-WIOA (in-kind or other leveraged funds)

Section 8.a Budget Worksheet
**Separate Excel Document to download from **
Note – Document Name:  2021 Gaston WDB RFP – Sec 8.a Budget Worksheet
Please complete (1) Budget Worksheet for each population of youth (OSY and/or ISY) that you are proposing to serve. Each Budget Worksheet contains (4) individual excel spreadsheets, where specified data should be entered.  Follow instructions on each spreadsheet. 

Section 8.a. – Budget Detail Form – Please complete one budget detail form for each population of youth (OSY and/or ISY) you are proposing to serve.

qOut of School Youth (OSY)
qIn-School Youth (ISY)
Other Funding Sources
Personnel Expenses
Operating Expenses
Total Personnel and Operating Expenses
Participant Wages
Fringe Benefits
Follow-up Services
Total Participant Expenses
Other – Please Describe
Total Other


Section 8.a – Budget Narrative
Please use this section to describe your budget assumptions, sources of leveraged funds, unique expenditures, or other budget information you would like the evaluation committee to know.  Include percentage of profit as calculated in your budget detail form  submission.
(2 pages maximum)
This section should describe your:
·         Other costs listed in the Budget Detail Form
·         Justification of the percent of total funds spent on participant expenses
·         Budget assumptions
·         Sources of leveraged funds
·         Unique expenditures
·         In-kind resources
·         Other budget information you would like the Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff to know
8.b.-Planned Performance Form
Complete the performance form for each program (ISY/OSY) for which you are submitting a proposal.
Section 8.b. – Performance Form for Program Year to be served
Gaston County
Participants Served
Number of Exits 
Number of Carryovers
Number Placed in Employment,
Post-Secondary, or Military 
Number that achieved Measurable Skills Gains
Program Retention Rate
Cost Per Participant
 Section 8.c. – Performance Narrative
Please use this space to define the results in your proposed program and any other performance information you would like the review committee to know.  (2 pages maximum).
A.   Describe the process for accurate and timely data delivery of customer information to   
the Gaston Workforce Development Program via the in-house data management system.  Who will be charged with this task?  What is your on-site and off-site capacity?
A.      An effective management system must have a process that verifies progress in attaining established performance objectives.  Describe the system you will use to monitor and verify that performance measures are met.
B.      Describe the following relative to performance measures:
·         Demonstrated commitment to achieve and surpass all mandated performance measures.
·         Identification of additional performance indicators to measure WIOA program impacts and evaluate success.
·         Evaluation methods for tracking and ensuring that all required performance measures are met or exceeded.
·         Internal systems to identify operational problems and take appropriate corrective action to improve performance issues as necessary.  Proposers must include with this proposal a description of their continuous improvement process.                                                                                                                        
C.      Contractors are responsible for closely and formally monitoring performance.  Please describe your internal monitoring plan.  Contractors are subject to the Gaston County Workforce Development Program’s formal monitoring.

A.      Describe your plan and commitment that enables Gaston County Workforce Development Program staff to maintain regular, ongoing personal contact and communication with the contractor staff and, as needed, with customers at all locations.

 9.  Transition Plan – 10 points
(2 pages maximum)

Outline your commitment to accomplishing a thorough, smooth, and seamless transition that includes the consideration of existing contractor staff that may be displaced as a result of this RFP.  
Describe your plan for working with the Gaston County Workforce Development Program and NCWorks Career Center® to notify customers, providers, and other community organizations about changes. Outline your plan for providing uninterrupted WIOA services and activities to customers.  
Demonstrate and describe your past experience with change management on a system level.   How will you ensure that you attract the best and brightest employees that can perform cross-functional duties and be supervised and evaluated on performance-based outcomes?  
How will you work to continue on with the activities from the PY2020-2021 WIOA program services, to minimize the effect on service delivery to customers? 
Describe your transition timeline. The Gaston County Workforce Development Program expects the contractor to begin assisting with transition planning immediately after the award and expects implementation on July 1, 2021. 
Describe how you will transition to lead, manage, and integrate with Community and Career Center Partners.
10.  Statement of Compliance Form
As the authorized signatory official for:                                                                                                                  
Submitting Lead Organization
I hereby certify:
That the above named proposer is legally authorized to submit this application requesting funding under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
That the above-named proposer does hereby agree to execute all work related to this application in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, U.S. Department of Labor, State of North Carolina Department of Labor and Industry issuances, Gaston County Workforce Development Program policies and guidelines, and other administrative requirements issued by the State of North Carolina. The vendor shall notify the Gaston Workforce Development Program in writing within 30 calendar days after issuance of any amended directives if it cannot so comply with the amendments; and
That the above named proposer will ensure special efforts to prevent fraud and other program abuses, such as but not limited to, deceitful practices, intentional misconduct, willful misrepresentation, and improper conduct which may or may not be fraudulent in nature; and 
That the contents of the proposal are truthful and accurate and the above named proposer agrees to comply with the policies stated in this proposal and that this proposal represents a firm request subject only to mutually agreeable negotiations; and that the above named proposer is in agreement that the Gaston County reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and that the above-named proposer has not been debarred or suspended from receiving federal grants, contracts, or assistance; and that the above-named proposer waives any right to claims against the members and staff of the Gaston County Workforce Development Board and staff.
By submitting a proposal, proposer agrees:
o   To comply with the President’s Executive Order #11375 and Executive Order #11246, which prohibit discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national origin. 
o   To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
o   The following items (in addition to other requirements listed in the RFP) will be part of any contract that might result from the RFP document:
§  Contract shall be subject to the laws of North Carolina.
§  Any litigation arising from the contract shall take place in Gaston County, North Carolina for state court issues and in Charlotte, North Carolina for federal court litigation.
§  A non-funding clause must be in any agreement extending into a new fiscal year.
§  Gaston County will not indemnify nor pay for court costs or attorney fees for any reason for the vendor.
§  In the event that the successful contractor is unable to perform the agreements and terms of contract, Gaston County may, at its election, terminate the contract.  Performance of contract shall be in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to Gaston County, who shall be the sole judge of quality and performance.
§  E-verify requirements – the following wording will be included in any contract:
APPLICABILITY:  This certification is only required for individuals and business associations conducting business in the State of North Carolina and who employ twenty-five (25) or more employees in the state (not counting temporary seasonal workers employed nine months or less within a calendar year), regardless of the location of the vendor’s headquarters. Subcontractors hired by in-state or out-of-state individuals or business associations, must also meet the aforementioned criteria.  For information on E-Verify and methodology of compliance, see; General Statute. 153A-449; Chapter 64, Article 2 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 

CERTIFICATION: By signing and entering into a contract with Gaston County, I hereby certify that I comply with E-Verify, the aforementioned Federal program used to verify the work authorization of newly hired employees working in North Carolina.  I certify compliance with the E-Verification program pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes.  If applicable, I am also certifying that any subcontractor hired or used by me will comply with E-Verify, as described herein.    
 Authorized Representative Signature
Printed Name and Title