Response Packet Documents- Request for Proposals- Adult & Dislocated Workers

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Gaston County Workforce Development Program Response Packet Documents Forms Applicable

To Request for Proposals

Program Year 2021

(July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022)

with option to extend Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Adult & Dislocated Worker Services

Notice of Request for Proposals Announcement:

Thursday April 22, 2021

RFP Release Date:

Friday April 23, 2021



May 14, 2021 12:00 Noon (Eastern Standard Time)


The Gaston County Workforce Development Program is an equal opportunity employer/program.

Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Table of Contents

Forms Applicable to Request for Proposal Program year 2019

Response Packet Documents

Proposal Cover Sheet                                                                                                  3

Key Partners/Community References page                                                           4

Proposal Checklist                                                                                                      5

Baseline Requirements                                                                                              6

Budget Summary                                                                                                        7

Budget Detail                                                                                                              8

Planned Performance                                                                                               9

Statement of Compliance                                                                                        11


Proposal Cover Page

Lead Agency Name:                                                                                                                                       

Mailing Address:                                                                                                                                            

Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Contact Person:                                                                                                                                             

Phone:                                       Fax:                                        Email:                                                           

Applying As: q  Single Agency/Organization         Consortium of (#)                Partners

Partner Agency Name(s):                                                                                                                             

Indicate the appropriate services(s) proposed in this RFP and budget summary:


Adult Services:                       $                                                          % of total

Number of participants to be served:                       

Cost per participant served:                        

Dislocated worker services:    $                                                          % of total

Number of participants to be served:                       


Cost per participant served:                        

Key Partners Page

Please provide names of the partner organizations with which you will have contractual relationship for the provision of services.

Community References

Provide contact information on community references that can talk about your workforce development experience.  If your organization or partners in your proposal have not provided WIOA Adult or Dislocated Worker services in the Gaston County Workforce Development local area previously, please include a list of names and community references that can talk about your experience working with WIOA eligible clients.

Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    

Agency:                                                                                                       Email: _________________


Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    

Agency:                                                                                                           Email: __________________


Name:                                                                                                             Phone:                                    

Agency:                                                                                                           Email: __________________


To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant, and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the contract is awarded.                                                                                                                                                                         

Typed Name of Authorized Representative                           Title of Authorized Representative                                                                                                                                                                        

Signature of Authorized Representative                    Telephone Number                             Date


Proposal Checklist:

It is the contractor’s responsibility to make sure that all required elements and forms are included in the proposal.  Proposals that do not include the required elements and forms will be automatically disqualified.  No exceptions will be granted.  If you have questions about the requirements or feel that special circumstances apply to your proposal, please submit a question in writing to the Gaston Workforce Development Program to be answered by email.

Before submitting your proposal, check the following:

q  A. One original proposal emailed  along with required documents (plus 5 hard copies if dropping off in-person)

Proposal Response Package Requirements

  • Proposal Cover Page
  • Proposal Checklist
  • Proposal Summary
  • Baseline Requirements
  • Organizational Experience and Past Performance
  • Relationships and Collaboration
  • Program Design and Staffing
  • Program Cost and Performance
  1. Budget Summary and Detail Form and Narrative
  2. b) Outcome measurements for success and improvement
  3. c) Planned Performance Forms and Narrative
  • Transition Plan
  • Statement of Compliance Form
  •  B.  One copy of each of the last two years’ audited financial statementsq   C.  One copy of your business license (if applicable)

    q   D.  If a not-for-profit, letter evidencing incorporation per Section I., C. and verification of your 501 C-3 status.

    Baseline Requirements:

    Successful contractors to this RFP must demonstrate a commitment to several program elements deemed by the Gaston Workforce Development Program to be required components of the Adult and Dislocated Worker program design.

    Please indicate your commitment below to implementing these elements into your program design:

    Yes                   No

    q        q

    Yes                   No

    q        q Yes                   No

    q        q

    Yes                   No

    q        q

    Yes                   No

    q        q

Agree that employers are key customers to the NCWorks Career Center system and assign resources and time to the development and implementation to a business development strategy.

Collaborate with the NC Department of Labor and Industry on system changes.

Partner with the Gaston Workforce Development Program in design and implementation of all programs.  Additionally, collaborate and connect with other the Gaston Workforce Development Program initiatives, including but not limited to:  industry partnerships, WIOA youth providers, NCWorks Career Centers and others.

With decreased funding and increased need, agree that the most money possible will be spent directly on participants without compromising the success and realistic costs associated with the system.

Provision of services that will produce the following results, at a minimum:

(see next page for Performance Measures Chart)

Budget Summary:

  • Summarize total WIOA funds requested from your Budget Detail Form.
  • Summarize total non-WIOA funds from you Budget Detail Form

Budget Summary

Gaston County Adult DW Other Total


Non-WIOA (other leveraged funds)











Budget Detail Form


Gaston County  















Total Number of Staff FTE















Personnel Expenses


$ $ $ $ $
Program Expenses


$ $ $ $ $




$ $ $ $
Support Services


$ $ $ $
Core Services


$ $ $ $
Intensive Services


$ $ $ $
Total Participant Expenses


$ $ $ $


Other – please describe


$ $ $ $
Total Other


$ $ $ $


$ $ $ $


Percent of total funds spent on participant expenses


% % %

Planned Performance Form for Adult and Dislocated Worker


Gaston County                                         Proposed Performance:  Adult              Program Year 2021-2022











New enroll-





























placement rate


Cost Per










Targeted Populations:


Low income single parents


Individual with disability


Low income 18 – 24 year olds




TANF participants


Working Poor


Unemployment Insurance exhaustees





Youth/Young Adults aged out of Foster Care







Gaston County                               Proposed Performance:  Dislocated Worker                 Program Year 2021-2022













New enroll





























placement rate


Cost Per










Targeted Populations:


Low income single parents


Individual with disability


Low income 18 – 24 year olds




TANF participants


Working Poor


Unemployment Insurance exhaustees




Youth/Young Adults aged out of Foster Care




Statement of Compliance Form:


As the authorized signatory official for:                                                                                                        

Submitting Lead Organization

I hereby certify:


  • That the above named proposer is legally authorized to submit this application requesting funding under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


  • That the above-named proposer does hereby agree to execute all work related to this application in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, U.S. Department of Labor, State of North Carolina Department of Labor and Industry issuances, Gaston County Workforce Development Program policies and guidelines, and other administrative requirements issued by the State ofTyped Name and Title 



    North Carolina. The vendor shall notify the Gaston Workforce Development Program in writing within 30 calendar days after issuance of any amended directives if it cannot so comply with the amendments; and


  • That the above named proposer will ensure special efforts to prevent fraud and other program abuses, such as but not limited to, deceitful practices, intentional misconduct, willful misrepresentation, and improper conduct which may or may not be fraudulent in nature; and


  • That the contents of the proposal are truthful and accurate and the above named proposer agrees to comply with the policies stated in this proposal and that this proposal represents a firm request subject only to mutually agreeable negotiations; and that the above named proposer is in agreement that the Gaston County reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and that the above-named proposer has not been debarred or suspended from receiving federal grants, contracts, or assistance; and that the above-named proposer waives any right to claims against the members and staff of the Gaston County Workforce Development Board and staff.


  • By submitting a proposal, proposer agrees:
  • To comply with the President’s Executive Order #11375 and Executive Order #11246, which prohibit discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national origin.
  • To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • The following items (in addition to other requirements listed in the RFP) will be part of any contract that might result from the RFP document:
  • Contract shall be subject to the laws of North Carolina.
  • Any litigation arising from the contract shall take place in Gaston County, North Carolina for state court issues and in Charlotte, North Carolina for federal court litigation.
  • A non-funding clause must be in any agreement extending into a new fiscal year.
  • Gaston County will not indemnify nor pay for court costs or attorney fees for any reason for the vendor.
  • In the event that the successful contractor is unable to perform the agreements and terms of contract, Gaston County may, at its election, terminate the contract. Performance of contract shall be in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to Gaston County, who shall be the sole judge of quality and performance.
  • E-verify requirements – the following wording will be included in any contract:


APPLICABILITY:  This certification is only required for individuals and business associations conducting business in the State of North Carolina and who employ twenty-five (25) or more employees in the state (not counting temporary seasonal workers employed nine months or less within a calendar year), regardless of the location of the vendor’s headquarters. Subcontractors hired by in-state or out-of-state individuals or business associations, must also meet the aforementioned criteria.  For information on E-Verify and methodology of compliance, see; General Statute. 153A-449; Chapter 64, Article 2 of the North Carolina General Statutes.


CERTIFICATION: By signing and entering into a contract with Gaston County, I hereby certify that I comply with E-Verify, the aforementioned Federal program used to verify the work authorization of newly hired employees working in North Carolina.  I certify compliance with the E-Verification program pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes.  If applicable, I am also certifying that any subcontractor hired or used by me will comply with E-Verify, as described herein.





Authorized Representative Signature




Typed Name and Title



